1st time travel with family of 4 adults nature lovers (but not hikers) Will this itinerary be ok?
Day1-2; Zurich, is 1 day or 2 days suffice?
day5-6: interlaken;
day7:zermatt + Glacier to Chur; is this doable?
Day 8: Bern, is this good stop ?
Day9-10: Geneva. Stay around lake vicinity Lausanne, etc.
Will this schedule accommodate Glacier exp ride or should I skip?
Appreciate your alternate route options as well. Your suggestions are very much appreciated !!!!
On day 1 skip Zurich and go straight to Luzern. ZRH - Luzern is easier than getting downtown from the average US airport...
Spend a few days in Zermatt.
Keep Bern as a bad weather day trip option from either Luzern or Interlaken.
If you are going to do the Glacier Express whyu not make your third base somewhere in the East? A lot of interesting things to see in that part of Switzerland too. No need to arrive and leave straightaway...
Thanks for your suggestion. Will head straight to Lucerne. Which place in the east good to stay 1-2 days?
This is way too much moving around. You say you love nature but you’re spending over half of the trip in cities or on trains moving. And no, you absolutely cannot do Interlaken > Zermatt > Glacier > Chur all in one day. No way. Just skip the Glacier Express unless you’re willing to focus more on Eastern Switzerland and skip places like Interlaken/Jungfrau Region. With only 10 days you can’t do it all.
For 9 nights/10 days, with a desire to enjoy nature, I’d recommend something like this:
Luzern - 1 night > Interlaken - 4 nights > Zermatt - 2 nights > Montreux or somewhere on Lake Geneva - 2 nights
Thanks for the plan. If I squeeze additional night, is it worth experiencing Glacier Express short ride between Zermatt and some place, to and fro ?
No, you're going to get plenty of scenic train rides with the plan I gave you. There are scenic train rides all over Switzerland, some just get more publicity than others.
A scenic train ride from Interlaken to Zermatt is to use the RE 1 train from Spiez to Brig. Takes a little longer than the standard route using the Loetschberg Base Tunnel, but you will go mostly over the mountains rather than completely under them.
Thanks Wanderweg and Sam.