We are going to Switzerland the first week of September for about 10 days. I haven’t booked our flights yet so I have some wiggle room. I am thinking that we will fly into Zurich and out of Geneva but I’m flexible there, too. We are 4 active/fit adults. I could use some help with the itinerary because I think I am trying to squeeze in too many places to visit. And, I am wondering if by going in September we will come across things being closed or not the best time to visit. I haven’t read anything about this, but I could easily have missed something. I appreciate any suggestions. Listed below are the places we interested in visiting. Although I keep thinking of day trips that we could visit from these spots too. I think the problem is I am too excited about what Switzerland has to offer! Thank you for any advice or help.
Zurich (not a long time - maybe just the day we arrive)
Geneva (Should we spend time in Geneva and/ or Lake Geneva at Lausanne or Montreaux better?)
Interlaken (I’ve read that there is a lot to see in the Berner Oberland region so plan on a few days.)
Jungfrau (I am not fully clear if this is part of Berner Oberland, too)
Gruyeres (Is this worthwhile as a day trip?)