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Vaxjo House of Immigrants for researching relatives

Is this still open or not? My current RS book gave instructions on using the form and sending money but I can't find that form. Even had a Swedish friend explore their web site and she didn't get very far either. Was specifically going to Vaxjo for this and wanted to get a head start on searching. Do you know any other options for searching Swedish relatives?

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16895 posts

It sounds like you're looking for something beyond the museum, which is open to all. I don't see anything about a form in Rick's current Scandinavia book (14th edition, published July, 2105). The web address listed on p. 543 takes you to

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3 posts

The book that I saw was from my library so not sure which edition but assume it was older. The book was Rick Steves' Scandinavia and the page was 495. Let me know if there is an update on this. thanks.

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16895 posts

There's no similar info in the current book. Maybe their services changed.

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111 posts

If this is your first stab at Swedish genealogical research, I suggest contacting your local genealogical society. There are many ways to search for Swedish relatives; however, this is not the intent of this website. There are wikis by where you can check for tips as well as There are also many Facebook pages that could be of help. Technically, the most extensive site for Swedish records is on Most records were kept by the parish, so it will be helpful to know this...not always easy but do-able. Good luck!

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242 posts

If you are looking for Swedish ancestor/immigrants. Be sure to do all your research in the USA first finding passenger lists and naturalization forms. You need the name of the parish in Sweden. Their archives are amazing. Send me a private message if you want beginning guidance on looking for Swedish immigrant ancestors or living descendants (cousins). I've done both very successfully, but it was a lot of work- worthwhile though.

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3 posts

Thanks for the suggestions. I have gone as far as I can at the church genealogy ctr with their familysearch site etc. The great grandfather that I seek is Swen Swenson (that spelling is consistent on legal records, census, etc.).. He lists his father as Swen Swenson with mother unknown. I do not know his parish, or actual town but I think he was from Smailand as many left that area from Goteburg. He was born July 8, 1846 and died in California 8/13/1923. He married Anna Carlson born December 8, 1848 or 9. They immigrated about 1876 but probably married in Sweden in 1875. There is some reason to think that they came into Canada maybe lived in what was Norhtwest territories then came down to Alameda County, California where they lived the rest of their lives. I am going to Vaxjo next week to visit the Immigrant museum to find more clues. I have even watched the Swedish television program on the Immigrants who return to Sweden to look for relatives but no leads. Everyone seems to think that the South was where the all left to rough times. Any suggestions, Donna?

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8889 posts

It's a House of Emigrants, not Immigrants. People who emigrated from Sweden, not immigrated to Sweden.

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111 posts

There's a wonderful Facebook page - Swedish American Genealogy Group - where you can ask the kind of questions about Swedish family that you're asking here. Provide all the names, dates and information that you have. There are so many more places to search than spending your time in Sweden trying to track them down. Truly, you can do nearly all of your searching on the internet. Many records are not digitized so it can be laborious paging through the digital copies. Swen Swenson's name was not likely spelled that way in Sweden nor in immigration records. In Sweden, it was likely Sven Svensson. The LDS Family History Centers have many Swedish records available that you can search for free at their centers. Otherwise, there is a world membership at or a membership to where all the parish records are located. I don't think that you have time for this. I've been researching my Swedish ancestry for years. I finally started looking at the emigration/passenger lists for a name similar to the "Russell" name that my great grandfather used. He immigrated under his birth name, "Risell." From the passenger list I was able to see the area he came from and then began searching parish names. Mine is only one small example of the work it takes to find Swedish ancestors. I really wish you the best of luck ... and may all your dreams come true finding your ancestors.

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3402 posts

The FB Swedish Genealogy group that Kay speaks about is very helpful. Also, if you know which region your ancestors came from there are local FB groups as well which are also extremely helpful, generally (the north not so much). Once I arrived in Sweden, I found people to be amazingly helpful as well. If one of your people is from Småland, I know a person that does some of the leg work over there. And there is a genealogy group in Eksjö. PM me if you want any details. I went to Sweden knowing very little and came home having photographs and having gone into several family homes. Sweden is aware and extremely interested in their 'lost' cousins from the USA. When I arrived home I was put in touch with one of my Swedish cousins as I just ran out of time...others in Sweden had their info but didn't have time to give it to me. Sweden felt like home to me. Have a great adventure. Wray

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111 posts

Wow, Wray. Photos?! Jealous! In my dreams!