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Vastergotland lodging

My family and I will be driving befetween Stockholm and Gothenburg, and hopefully spending some time looking at ancestral hometowns in between, all around Vestergotland. Our destination towns all seem quite small. They include Floby, Mjaldrung, Grolands, and Vedum. What kind of lodging options can we expect in this region? Can anyone recommend a town we could target for an overnight stay? We are an intergenerational group, two families with one child each, plus our mother. So seven people total. We are traveling this coming July. Thanks in advance for any help!

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I've been told that the town of Mariestad on Lake Vänern is a cute town, but I've never visited it. It looks to be about an hour from some of the towns you plan to visit. You might research it and see what type of lodging you can find there.

The only town that I've visited in Västergötland is Skövde (for a business trip); it is not very memorable so I wouldn't recommend it but it does have some business class hotels. I was only there for a day and it was back in 2000.