My friend and I will be in stockholm for 2 nights in October. Flying in to stockholm on a Monday and flying home on a Wednesday. We were looking at the First Hotel REisen. Does anyone have any info on this hotel? Is the area nice? easy to get to from the train? things to do around the hotel? If you have any other suggestions or better area/hotels to stay, any information would be much appreciated.
Can't help you with that particular hotel, but here's a link showing favorable reviews of both the property and its location from;sid=86b360729f98460f7fd1b303a973c396;dcid=1;dest_id=-2524279;dest_type=city;dist=0;group_adults=2;room1=A%2CA;sb_price_type=total;srfid=25e0f41bafc4a732285fb5ff1806984bbdc54f9fX1;type=total;ucfs=1&
Suggest cross-checking with other booking sites (TripAdvisor, etc.) to verify the reviews, and then check with the hotel directly to see if there are better prices on offer than those seen on the booking sites, which sometimes have only a limited selection of rooms. And sometimes it's just better to book directly with the hotel...
Safe travels.