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Scandinavia trip

I need some help deciding how to end my trip, I have the first part already planned out for the most part this coming October.

  • First to Denmark (Copenhagen, Odense) total of 3 nights
  • Norway ( Oslo,Bergen, and Fagernes are for Cruise) total of 4 nights
    • Sweden (Karlstad and Stockholm) total of 3 or 4 nights

After Stockholm I need to decided weather to go to Helsinki or Tallinn.
I will have 2 or 3 night there depending if I leave Stockholm at night or in the morning.
Just wondering if anyone had some thoughts on which to do and if I could do both.

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1837 posts

What I would suggest is the overnight ferry from Stockholm to either Tallinn or Helsinki. You can do the ferry on your 4th night in Sweden, and you will wake up in your destination city.

You could stay in Helsinki and day trip to Tallinn, or you could do the opposite. Or you could easily divide your time between them. Since the overnight ferry arrives early in the morning, you will have that entire day as well as the remaining days before the end of your trip. And the ferry between them is just about 2 hours.

If you have to pick, well it really depends on what you are interested in seeing and doing. Tallinn has a delightful and compact old town. Helsinki feels more modern but has some very worthwhile sights.