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Quarantine before trip?

Some of our friends are suggesting we quarantine for7-10 days before we leave for our RS June 6 tour. Anyone else that thinks this is necessary? thank you in advance

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8843 posts

I didn't quarantine, but I certainly reduced my unnecessary contacts for about a week before I left. I stayed out of crowded situations and masked on the bus. My theory was that I wanted to increase my chances of arriving Covid free to the tour. There is a lot of money invested in an RS tour, and doing what I could to stay healthy in advance only made sense.

I'm not sure I would go as far as quarantine, but thinking about how to stay healthy and be sure to arrive healthy will make your tour better and be appreciated by your tour mates. When I hear about people testing positive 2-3 days into a tour I know that they brought it with them.

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1626 posts

I wouldn't quarantine, but I'm starting to think my attendance at a union convention the week before was a bad idea!

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7741 posts

That’s been my practice for my last two trips, and we’re doing it again for one week for a trip coming soon. We are retired, so we don’t have work commitments. Everything else, it’s not too hard to stay away from friends, family, church, volunteer work, grocery stores, etc. with some upfront planning.

When I brought my adult daughter last year for her first trip to Europe (postponed from 2020), I chose to self-quarantine for two weeks. I didn’t want anything I did to prevent her from finally being able to go.

This doesn’t mean I stayed in the house for 1-2 weeks. I still rode my bike, took walks with our dog, and we took drives out to enjoy local scenery. I just didn’t get close to any people during that time.

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901 posts

"Necessary" - probably not - but Why take chances? COVID is still quite prevalent and recent experience with COVID means not "being at your best" for a week. You don't want that to be on the tour.

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4656 posts

I am sitting in the pharmacy waiting for prescriptions after contracting a nasty virus (not Covid) May 1. I had to cancel a prepaid local trip and nowhere near well enough to be doing a full on tour.
This is the second time in a year being sick before a trip. The other time was a flight to family 2 weeks before 6 weeks in India.
You can bet in my future, I will plan for house isolation at least 2 weeks before a trip.

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23597 posts

I don't know if I would call it "Quarantine" but we are very careful and now make heavy use of a mask when in a public situation. At 80 it falls into, "Why take a chance?" Is it necessary --- NO but probably good practice.