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Need advice for family trip to Sweden/Denmark - Redux

So we plan to give this trip another shot and appreciate any feedback/tips.

Tentatively into Stockholm and out of Copenhagen June 2-17 2023. We are a family of 6 (2 adults 4 children ages 5-16) and planning staying in Stockholm, Jönköping, and Copenhagen (these locations are not 100% set, could replace Copenhagen if someone has a better suggestion).

Plan is to stay in the AF Chapman in Stockholm, apartments in Jönköping and Copenhagen. We plan to travel by train (purchasing the tickets early). Standard tourist stuff in/around Stockholm (Skansen Folk Museum, Vasa Museum, Boat trip in archipelago, Royal Armory) and Copenhagen (Tivoli, Viking Ship Museum, Frederiksborg Castle). Plan to do Gränna and Eksjö as day trips from Jönköping.

I think most of my questions were answered the first time I posted this trip but if any recommendations have changed since 2020 let me know!


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6694 posts

A few things have changed. Af Chapman is being renovated in 2023 so you can't stay on the ship. It is possible to stay on land, but no accomodation is available on the ship itself.

I think the direct trains from Stockholm to Jönköping has not returned after the pandemic, but it is an easy change in Nässjö so really not a lot to worry about.

A day trip to Uppsala can also be a good option while in Stockholm.

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1049 posts

Viking ship museum is great but it's not in Copenhagen. It's in Roskilde which is a 30 minute train ride and then either a 1.7 km walk or a bus to the museum itself. The museum has some good kids activities like dressing up as a Viking and making a miniature Viking boat.

Kronborg Castle and the Maritime Museum in Helsingor make a nice day trip from Copenhagen. The self guided castle tour is excellent and includes the "casements" which are mostly below ground and you need to use your phone torch to find your way around. It was more interesting then Fredericksburg Castle. You can do both Kronborg and Fredericksburg in one day as there is a train that connects Fredericksburg to Helsingor. You can then get a train back from Helsingor to Copenhagen so you will have travelled in a triangle.

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119 posts

I would keep Copenhagen on the itinerary. My kids really enjoyed Tivoli and the city when we went there a few years ago.

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1049 posts

We stayed in Stay Seaport apartments in Nordhavnenin Copenhagen in September 2022. The apartment was spacious, directly opposite a children's playground (on top of a multi storey car park), close to supermarkets and cafes, and a few quick stops to the city on the metro or by water bus (small ferry).

On a pre trip we had stayed in Nyhavn and we much preferred the Nordhavnen area. Lots of young couples and families. Also a free public swimming pool.

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980 posts

Thanks for all the tips! Looks like we might add Kronborg Castle to our day trips.