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Disappointed in Stockholm

Hi, all, Stockholm is probably my favorite city in the world.
I was in Stockholm recently for the first time in over 20 years. Some 30 years ago I lived in Stockholm for a year.
One can expect places to change, but some of the apparent changes disappointed me during my stay.
The pace of the city seemed to me to have increased a great deal. No longer was it the calm, sedate city that I lived in. Now it is almost frantic, with young adults walking down the street talking on their phones, even seemingly talking to themselves (lol). Large numbers of bicyclists darting to and fro. Nothing wrong with that per se, but it was a lot less peaceful.
Also, the commercialism of Gamla Stan (the Old Town) has skyrocketed, unfortunately.

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1618 posts

Unfortunately, lots of cities suffer from the same problems. What I feel sad about Stockholm is that crime is on the rise. "Beware of pickpockets" signs were everywhere. I stayed at the Marriott, and such signs were on every table top in the lounge.

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5 posts

Hi, thanks for your post.

I am planning a trip to Stockholm.

I’ve been reading up On the migrant gangs and criminal activity, and assimilation failures in these communities.

Is Stockholm still automatically Swedish and Scandinavian? Is it safe in the tourist areas?

Have a great evening


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12 posts

Think of it as with an American city. The neighborhoods with the biggest problems are areas that tourists don't go to. The same applies to Stockholm. So where you will be is very safe...

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4142 posts

We are in Spain and just met a nice man from Sweden traveling around. We got to talking and I mentioned how surveys always tell us that Danes and Swedes are the happiest people. He answered that it might have been true before organized crime got a toehold in his country. He seemed hesitant to put the blame on any one group, so I mentioned the Somali immigrants and gave a weak yes.
So, travelers should read up on where the problem areas are.