We will be staying near Falun, then have a ride to Hägersten-Liljeholmen (to the west of Stockholm). At that point, we are planning on using public transportation. We would appreciate recommendations for brewery visits, best Swedish beer gardens, or recommendations for Swedish craft beers that are more of the IPA ilk, not lagers. Tack!
I'm not a big beer drinker myself so I'm probably not the best person to answer this, but I will give it a try. There has been a bit of a boom in craft beers in Sweden in the last 5-10 years and you will not have any problems finding them. Just pop into the closest Systembolaget and you will have a decent selection. There are at least two small breweries in Falun. Are you only looking at Falun and Stockholm or are you considering other places as well? In Uppsala there is a brewery with its own pub that has a decent reputation. https://bryggerietangkvarn.se
There is a good pub chain in Sweden called Bishop's Arms that have a lot of Swedish craft beers you can try. There is one in Falun and a couple in Stockholm. You can check what is on tap online (for example Falun here https://ontap.bishopsarms.com/#/pub/4
IPAs are huge in Sweden, so it shouldn't really be any problem to find some good ones to try! Most bars/restaurants have at least a few from Gotlands Bryggeri or others (A Ship Full of IPA is quite popular).
Akkurat in Södermalm is another good craft beer bar.
Or, as Badger said, there are tons of options at any Systembolaget!!! Just remember that in Sweden they also sell many beers in both lower alcohol versions (3.5%) that you can buy at supermarkets, and higher alcohol versions (at Systembolaget or in pubs).
Also in Stockholm https://nyacarnegiebryggeriet.se/en/start/
And if you are coming in the summer - you could try this place https://www.fjaderholmarnasbryggeri.se/fjaderholmarnas-bryggeri-at-sea
Thanks for the intel! This forum is immensely helpful for those of us planning our own itinerary.
It should also be noted that many breweries only sell their beer and the closest Systembolaget stores, so you will not find the same beers in Falun as you do in Stockholm and vice versa.