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6:30 AM flight out of Stockholm airport

Title kind of says it all....

We are coming in on a cruise ship and our flight leaves the next day at 6:30am

I know we could stay out by the airport, but that means we will basically be homeless during the day and that isn't much fun at night. So .... I was thinking we could take the high speed train to the airport BRIGHT and EARLY on departure day.

So a couple of questions

Does anyone know if the train is running at 4:00 or so?

Flight is to AMS so I am thinking 2 hours to 90 minutes is enough time.

Is there a hotel you would recommend near train station?

(I figure we can sleep on the planes. It's a long flight home)

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20490 posts

4:35 am is the first train and will get you there by 4:55 am. 260 sek each. There is a Radisson Hotel right at Stockholm Central. I seem to recall staying there in a previous life. No worries.

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5691 posts

In the summer and on weekends, Arlanda Express often has special rates that cover 2 or more people.

How many are you? You can also prebook a taxi at a fixed price (around 520 SEK). Taxis aren't regulated, so make sure to use a reputable one. Taxi Stockholm, Taxi Kurir or Taxi 020 are all reliable and charge fair prices.

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2765 posts

Thanks! It's just the two of us so if there is a special on the train that will probably be cheaper... I will probably book by the train station and we can make the final decision once we are there!

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4 posts

We are facing the same situation. But we have decided to go ahead and stay at a hotel near the airport with a shuttle to the airport for our flight at 6:30 am. We will take the cruise ship coach to the airport, shuttle to our hotel, check in and then we have decided to head back to Stockholm on the airport express because of the special of 2 traveling together. Then do our whirlwind tour of Stockholm. Then we will take the airport express back and spend the night at the airport hotel to be closer to the airport and not worry about any delays so early in the morning.
This way will get some sightseeing in Stockholm but be closer. It is an extra expense but we don't plan on getting much sleep the night before the flight..

We had once looked at storing our luggage at the train station, sightseeing in Stockholm, then head to the airport, shuttle to the hotel for the night. That would save a little time and only paying for an express pass for 2 to the airport. That might still be an option.