The C1 from the aeroporta to the train station is a snap. If you printed out your train tickets to Toledo in advance for the rest of your journey, you could present them to the person in the C kiosk and ask for free C1 tickets. Hey, it worked for us. And ours were not AVE tickets. If you get turned down, just ask to buy tickets, I recall them being 1Euro40 each. The C1 takes you into the train station. And you are at Platform 1 maybe 2, the other tracks work up from there.
Platforms for the specific trains get posted about 20 minutes in advance of departure, so don't get your stomach in a knot because it isn't on the board. Your ticket should have a train number (02985 or something) and if you reserved seats it will have a coach number (1 to 12) and a seat number (1 to 30 or so) Look up the Spanish words for platform, coach, and seat. It will make you feel better. Oh and in the station, a train listed as Primera (it will be obvious to you now, I no doubt have the spelling wrong) means ground floor and secunda (again spelling) means second floor. Maybe I have the words wrong, but the concept is obvious even to a non-Spanish speaker like me.
The "C" trains are different than the Metro system, but often run on the same tracks. The beauty of the C train is the price, the speed, and no changes midway. The metro requires a change of trains and takes twice as long or more. The special Airport Express bus #203 takes twice as long and costs three times as much.
wayne inWI, Just done it earlier this week