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What time to leave for 6 am flight from El Prat?

My Delta flight to CDG from Barcelona then home to states leaves at 6 am. I’m staying near Plaça de Catalunya. What time should I arrange for a taxi to pick me up for this flight? And should I even bother going to bed the night before-lol- sort of? I plan to have the hotel arrange the taxi the evening before. Is there a more reliable way to do this myself? Mind you, this flight does not take place till September, but another posting prompted me to ask now. Thanks!

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1510 posts

Last year we had a 6am departure on a Turkish Airline flight and we were also staying near Place de Catalunya. I think we had a taxi come at 3am. The airport was almost empty when we got there and the line short but we weren't the first arrivals. Within 30 minutes of our check-in the line got really long. Have you checked with Delta?

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20 posts

Carol, that’s a good idea to check with Delta. I’ll do that as trip gets closer.Thanks for the suggestion. Did you have your hotel arrange the taxi or did you arrange it yourself?

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54 posts

I woukd leave at 3:30am and definitely have your hotel call for the cab. You can request a taxi that accepts credit cards if you want to spend your last euro before your trip honne!

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27172 posts

I flew out of Barcelona to the US in 2016. My flight was later in the morning, which probably meant more people checking in, but I must warn you that I was in the United check-in line for about an hour, attracted some unexpected attention (possibly random) from security and barely made my flight. I had arrived at the airport three hours before scheduled departure time.