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Vigo or Santiago de Compostela to go to Porto

Hi everyone. We have allocated 7 days in Galicia. Our question is should we rent a car from Compostela and visit Vigo for 2 day return and then head out to Porto. Alternatively, we can leave Campostela, head out to Vigo and then proceed to Porto.

All contributions appreciated.

Posted by
85 posts

More importantly, where are you returning the car? Cross border returns get expensive.

Posted by
10 posts

I was planning to take the bus from Compostela and then rent a car while in Vigo and then take the train or bus to Porto

Posted by
7216 posts

How/from where do you arrive in Galicia? Also, what do you intend to see in Vigo? A few hours is typically enough there, and nearby Pontevedra and Baiona are arguably more interesting.

Without further info: it would not make much sense to return from Vigo to Compostela before heading to Porto. The logical order is definitely Compostela -> Vigo -> Porto. It is OK to rent a car in Compostela and return it in Vigo, by the way.

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11467 posts

Al we did in Vigo was pick up a rental car and leave. Wasn’t a very appealing place. We stayed in Baiona and O Grove,

Posted by
11467 posts

All we did in Vigo was pick up a rental car and leave. Wasn’t a very appealing place. We stayed in Baiona and O Grove. Santiago de Compostela is an amazing place, rich in history and the arrivals of the pilgrims in heart rendering.

Posted by
10 posts

Thank you for your insight. I think my wife liked the idea that it’s a fishing village, a good place to seafood and just hangout. This trip was last minute and we added it to our original destination which is Porto and Emilia Romagna. Having second thoughts. We allocated 7 days in Galicia

Posted by
7216 posts

I think my wife liked the idea that it’s a fishing village, a good place to seafood and just hangout.

Vigo is not a fishing village at all, it is a city with a large industrial harbor. It is not charmless, but it is low on the list of places to visit in Galicia. Muros, Cambados, Baiona are better as charming coastal towns.

Posted by
27591 posts

Vigo is the dullest place I've been in Spain and I've been to many places in that country. To the list of alternatives already suggested I'd add Combarra and tiny Tui (latter not on the coast). In northern Galicia I liked A Coruna and Betanzos.

Posted by
10 posts

Thank you very much for saving us.

Would it be difficult to then go to Ponteverde and then move to Porto by train or bus? Vigo offered a straight line route which added to our interest but everyone is unanimous of their thoughts about Vigo.

We are spending 5 nights in Campostela and looking to spend 2 days somewhere else before heading out to Porto. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Posted by
7216 posts

Pontevedra works. It is a nice town and you can easily visit the aforementioned Combarro from there!
To get to Porto, you then have two options:
- drive to Vigo, return the car, take the train from Guixar station. Make sure that the rental car office is close to the station.
- return the car in Pontevedra, take the bus to Porto if available, or travel first to Vigo and connect there.