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Traveling to Barcelona with a baby

Hello. Wondering if anyone has recently visited Barcelona with a baby (10 month old to be exact). We're going next week and I'm wondering if baby food is easily accessible, including infant formula. If anyone knows the answer to this, could you also answer if it's similar to baby foods found in Canada or the US. Oh, and if you've travelled there, did you bring your own car seat for taxis or did you have any luck finding cabs with them? I have read they exist but wondering how readily available they are. Thanks! :)

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2942 posts

1.) Odd question... why shouldn't it be? We also have babies you know, LOL! You can find infant formula in pharmacies and most supermarkets. As per brands, since nowadays the major companies are global, you can find similar products from these same companies -albeit they might have different product brands.

2.) There are taxis with car seats for infants, but since it's not required for innercity travelling, most do not carry it. Keep in mind the airport is barely 12km from the city and part of the itinerary is inside the city limits. Should you be adamant on that, you can always pre-book a taxi. These are the biggest companies... if you pre-book, make sure you specify your request: Taxi Class Rent tel.933070707 ||| Barnataxi tel. 933222222 ||| Ràdio Taxi 033 tel.933033033 ||| Servi-Taxi tel.933 300 300 ||| Taxi Ecològic tel.932783000 ||| Taxi Amic tel.934208088 ||| Fono-Taxi tel.933001100 -not sure if all of them will cater you on this. You will soon understand why when you arrive here... there's really no need in short urban fares.

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44 posts

Thanks for the reply! Of course you guys have babies, haha! I thought maybe they don't eat purées and other junior food as much as North American babies. Some cultures go right into eating what adults eat.

As for cabs, were traveling to the Fairmont which I believe is a little outside the city. Do you know if this requires highway driving?

Thanks again! :)

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2942 posts

Daa'ling, there are nearly 400 hotels in the city and metro area... where the heck is that hotel? :))))

As per formulas, so you have an idea... these are some examples you can find... maybe you recognize a few:

In Catalan, the local language, you'd ask for a "fòrmula infantil" (roughly: "for-moo-lah-een-fan-teal") or also "llet de fòrmula" ("lee-et-duh-for-moo-lah") -the later in Spanish is "leche infantil"

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2942 posts

... Ah, yes, I know this hotel. It's at the entrance of the city. Check this map, see the yellow diagonal line appropriately named "Diagonal" (Avenue)? Your hotel is at the left-most end. I honestly wouldn't go thru the hassle of pre-booking, it's far easier just to grab the first cab in the line outside the airport. What most visitors with infants do is to carry them on their arms because it's a short ride from the airport -very short in your case, maybe 20' traffic-permitting. Yes there's a short stretch of highway but due to its proximity to the city the speed cars can travel is not the same than in the highway elsewhere.

Btw, your hotel happens to be right in front of the rose park, Parc de Cervantes... and you're visiting at the "right" time for it. It's a public park -so free entrance. You might want to drop by.... Also, at a stone throw away from there you have the gardens of Palau de Pedralbes.

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44 posts

Great information!! Thank you!! I've had a lot going on so haven't looked into it much. Good to know with a baby that there's some nice outdoor space nearby! And great info on taxis. I've been debating boxing up our car seat and taking it with us. I won't go through the hassle.

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2942 posts

... did you "click" on the links above, in my last post? (the words in blue) :)))