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Traveling from Lisbon to Seville

Traveling from Lisbon to Seville by bus or air seems to be the most efficient way, since all trains go to Madrid first.

Is there a straight bus trip? If so, can the hotel concierge assist in the booking? Is there a straight bus ride to Seville-non-stop?

Also, in Granada, how do we pre-book tickets for the Alhambra? Any advice will be appreciated. Thank you.

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7 posts

we traveled from Lisbon to Seville last month by plane and it was very simple. We booked on line thru the TAP Portugal sight. Also, booked the Alhambra on line. Very straight forward - just be sure you have your confirmation info with you.

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4535 posts

I would fly. You can usually find inexpensive flights and a bus trip would be rather long.

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17 posts

Dear phodges399 and Douglas,

Your insights are very helpful and will follow your advise.
Truly appreciate the information.
