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Traveling by car from Barcelona to San Sebastian, Spain

What the journey like traveling by car to Barcelona to San Sebastian, Spain? Looks like it takes about 5.5 hours. And the routes include: Take AP-7, AP-2, A-2, AP-68. What are the roads like and is most of it easy to navigate?


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6534 posts

I haven't made that particular drive, but the A (autopista) roads are all interstates. AP (autopista de peaje) are toll interstates. They are like driving on any interstate in the U.S. or Europe. You won't get much of a feel for the countryside since they bypass towns, but you will arrive quicker. The roads in Spain, especially those, are very well marked.

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330 posts

As already noted, "A" and "AP" roads are comparable to U. S. interstate highways. You can see for yourself using the street view function of Google maps.