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Travel from La Linea de la Conception (Gibraltar) or Tarifa to Seville

Does any one know if the bus from La Linea or Tarifa to Seville runs on Sunday? I have used the and websites and when I put in a Sunday date in September I get error messages. I have read that those websites are not always reliable, so I am not sure if the buses do not run on Sunday or the website is not working. Any other suggestions on how to get to Seville is welcome.

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15591 posts

Most sites will only have schedules as far ahead as they are selling tickets for. Pick a closer date and assume that schedules won't change much, if at all.

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984 posts

Ditto to Chani above. It is unlikely you can purchase anymore than two weeks in advance.

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705 posts

I just tried the TG Comes website for September 18 and got an error message in Spanish that explains what Neil and Chani both said. FWIW, we bought bus tix in May for travel on the day of purchase from La Linea to Tarifa and from Tarifa to Sevilla without problem in both instances. I encourage you not to worry and wait until September! Have a great trip.