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travel from barcelona to madrid

any thoughts/suggestions/tips on best way to get from barcelona to madrid? we are thinking AVE train but wondering if flying is a better option. our thoughts are airport hassle/check in/etc would make it probably longer or just as long as AVE ... also, is anyone familiar with renfe?


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2725 posts

Train wins hands down. Don’t even think about flying, it’s a major hassle and will save you no time. In fact, given all that’s involved, it’s probably longer or a wash. Sit back, have a drink, watch the world go by and arrive in downtown Madrid.

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3961 posts

Have to agree the train is the way to go. We did the opposite route and enjoyed the convenience and relaxation.

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23547 posts

Train is much faster and the comfort is great.

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39 posts

thanks all ... we thought train was best but wanted to confirm ... special thanks to Jazz for great info!!!!