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Travel between Seville and Evora in Portugal

I am having difficult time figuring how to get from Seville to Evora. I can't find a train or bus that goes there. I was wondering if I have to get to Lisbon and then go to Evora. Does anyone have an answer?
I appreciate any feedback.

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27206 posts

It appears that you have two options, one of which is to go to Lisbon and head back east. The other is to go north in Spain to Merida (by bus) or Badajoz (by train) and change to an Evora-bound bus there. The all-bus route via Merida is apparently faster, but none of those connections is frequent, so you'll need to proceed with caution. You can drill down on the website to which I've linked and probably find the websites of the appropriate bus companies so you can locate the schedule. Do pay attention to days of the week. Sometimes schedules are very different on Sundays and holidays.

I have never been to Badajoz, but Merida has some points of interest in the form of Roman ruins and an archaeological museum. That area is extremely hot in the summer (though probably not as bad as Seville).

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12 posts

Thanks so much for the info. It sounds like a lot of work to get there. I think I will fly to Lisbon and then take a side trip to Evora. Thanks again.