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Transportation Anticipation - Malaga to Castillo de Monda

My husband and I are attending a wedding at the Castillo de Monda. We're taking a train from Madrid to Malaga then need to get to the hotel. I've looked at travel options and ruled out the bus as it will take twice as long (I know, it's cheaper...) and we'll have all our stuff. We also don't want to rent a car and transfer company vans are outrageously expensive. So we're anticipating hiring a taxi and I'm a bit nervous about finding one that will take us there (it's about 40 miles from the train station). Can anyone give me advice on how to book a taxi in advance? The hotel will help us book one when we leave. THANKS!

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419 posts

Look into Sun Transfers and while your at it look into flying from Madrid to Malaga. J

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6850 posts

No, do not waste your time looking into flying from Madrid to Malaga.