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Trains In Spain - reserve or not?

We are traveling from Barcelona to Sevilla, to Cordoba, and to Granada in October. Is it really necessary to reserve transportation on the trains during October?

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20955 posts

If you are using high speed trains, I don't think you have a choice. Seat reservations are mandatory.

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2267 posts

Those are all high-speed routes, and as Sam said, the tickets will include sear reservations. If the question is whether or not you should buy tickets in advance, the answer is: Probably. As trains fill up the prices go up significantly. And trains often do sell out.

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27618 posts

Yes, Spain is a country where the mainline fast trains often sell out before departure. I don't know how often they sell out a week or more ahead of time, but if you just show up at a station for the trips you list, you may be very out of luck. Fares are considerably lower if you buy tickets far ahead of time, but the value of flexibility may outweigh the potential dollar savings for you.

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29 posts

Thank you for your input - we will definitely reserve our transportation ahead of time.

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20955 posts

I think there is a misunderstanding in the terminology "Reserve". If you had a Eurail Pass, you would have to reserve a seat. In your case, you seem to mean "Purchase" in which case a seat reservation comes with the ticket purchase automatically.

In other countries where seat reservations are not obligatory, like Switzerland, Germany, or Austria, you can purchase seat reservations without buying a ticket.

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29 posts

Does this also apply to Madrid to Toledo trains as well? We will be making a day trip mid august. I prefer not to purchase ahead of time unless it’s necessary. Thanks!

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2267 posts

rizan22- Train to Toledo works differently. The price is static, and while they can sell out, that doesn’t happen much in advance. You can wait until you’re there, but I’d suggest buying once you know which day you’ll go, even if it’s the next day.

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385 posts

Years ago we bought the high speed train tickets from Madrid to Barcelona 62 days out. It was half of the price of a last minute ticket. A significant amount. Don’t know what the rules are now. It was a challenge to use a credit card on the site but doable if you are persistent. We are used to slow Amtrack trains and were amazed at traveling at 200 mph over the Spanish countryside city center to city center. Maybe fly from Barcelona to Seville and take fast train north to Madrid. Buses also link Madrid and Toledo.

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2382 posts

On many routes in Spain there are now multiple operators. It pays to compare. The Trainline website is quite useful there.