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Trains from Cordoba to Granada in late October

We are traveling in Europe for the month of October. Starting in Paris, then trains to Nimes, Barcelona, Cordoba, Granada, then fly to London (to see family) before flying home to Seattle.
All train journeys are booked successfully, except the train from Cordoba to Granada on October 20th. All sites I have checked show no available trains. I do see that the train from Cordoba to Antequera (halfway) is available, but not onward to Cordoba.
Is this likely due to slow schedule updating by RENFE, or does anyone know if there are engineering works planned on that train line? I’ve tried to research but cannot find any information.
There are available buses, but they take longer and are not as comfortable for us folks in our 70s.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

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2979 posts

The furthest out you can book is Oct 16. It appears you must wait until about six weeks out before you can reserve your seats.

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We were finally able to book this journey this week - 4 weeks out. I’m glad we waited patiently!
Good luck to others I see waiting for the schedules to update!