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Trains from Barcelona to San Sebastian

Our travel agent is booking us a train from Barcelona to San Sebastián through renfe. It leaves Barcelona at 10:30 am and arrives around 9:00 pm. This was the only train that showed up on the renfe website. Are there other trains scheduled on that route, and on which website woul their schedule be shown?
Thanks for your answer

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16895 posts

Don't book that timing. There are two daily direct trains that each take 5.5 hours, one departing at 7:30 a.m. and one at 15:30 (3:30 p.m.). You can't book these more than two months in advance and sometimes less. If booking directly through Renfe doesn't work for you (best to pay with PayPal), then Rail Europe, Petrabax, or should all offer most of the same advance-purchase discounts.

For schedules only, but not for ticket purchase, you can also use the Deutsche Bahn train link at Looking Up Train Schedules and Routes Online.