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Trains and Buses

I've been trying to book a high-speed train from Barcelona to Zaragoza for October 20, 2018 (and another inter city trip 1 day later and another 4 days later) for several days. I was aware of the 62 day rule, but that has come and gone and still no luck. I've tried RENFE, of course with no success. I also attempted booking for October 20 on and and no luck there either. As of today, it is 58 days until October 20 and the only trains available are the 4+ hour journeys on and Yesterday I tried RENFE just for kicks for a booking on October 13 and there were the high speed trains. Is this simply going to be an hour-by-hour checking of the sites for the October 20 date?

On a different matter, is there an internet site for a map of bus routes in Zaragoza and/or Madrid? I've been spoiled by the great site Barcelona has.

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Renfe can release tickets for sale whenever they wish. I don't think "hour-by-hour checking of the sites" is worth your time. Even the cheapest tickets probably won't sell out in the first couple of days.