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Train travel in Southern Spain in Feb/2024

Hello, we are looking at taking trains from the Madrid Airport to Cordoba,stay a few days, then a train to Granada for 4 days and finally trains back from Jerez to Madrid. There appears to be numerous times available. Do we need to buy advance tickets or should there be plenty of availability? We like to leave some options open as to when we may travel. Thank you for your help.

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67 posts

We book trains whilst in Spain however we travel outside peak season. We also arrive well in advance of our actual train trips.

I've travelled on all the train trips you've mentioned and mostly they are very busy.

It could be a risky.

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27149 posts

Individual trains (and sometimes multiple trains on the same day) do sometimes sell out on the main rail line running Barcelona-Madrid-Cordoba-Seville, so I would be somewhat worried about that first trip from the airport to Cordoba. There's also the potential to save a good bit of money on Madrid-Cordoba tickets by buying early. However, given the uncertainties about flight schedules and actual arrival times, there's substantial risk involved in buying that ticket early, so I really have no advice for you there.

I haven't looked at schedules between Cordoba and Granada often enough to know whether those trains sell out, too, but I know there aren't many of them. You can save some money on AVE tickets on that route by buying quite early, but the equally fast AVANT trains seem always to be (currently) 25.70 euros per person, as long as there are tickets available.

Much of the trip from Jerez to Madrid involves the Seville-Madrid stretch, and that schedule page is often littered with "Full Train" labels if you check the schedule for the next few days. That one's definitely risky. And on some trains you'd have a chance of saving a lot by buying quite early.

You can and should watch to see availability on the day of travel and the day before and price movement as you get closer and closer to the travel date.

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2375 posts

The trains in Spain can often sell out, so I would book ahead.

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5827 posts

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