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Train ticket to Figueres to see Dali Theater-Museum

Hello helpful fellow travelers,

It appears that the Dali Theater-Museum in Figueres only releases museum tickets for the current month. I was hoping to buy a ticket for September as well as my train tickets from Barcelona but since I don't know what time I can get into the museum at this point I can't buy train tickets. Is it generally easy to get the train tickets within a month of your visit?

Thanks for any advice!

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2157 posts

It should be trivial to even get tickets on the day itself. Definitely easier than trying to get train tickets for september now already. In Spain getting train tickets far in advance is often not possible.

There are two train services on that route: Regional trains, which take about 2 hours, and which bring you to the main Figueres station. These trains are cheap, and you just buy tickets at the station before you leave. Also there are multiple places in Barcelona where you can board these, so you do not necessarily need to go to the main station.


Then there is the RENFE avant service, which is a high speed commuter service. Prices are fixed. You need to reserve, but usually getting the ticket the day before is sufficient. In fact, looking on line I see that there are even tickets available today for all the trains that have not left yet, so here too you usually can just buy a ticket and hop on, like with a proper train.

These trains are used by locals to go about their daily business. Locals do not plan shopping trips or commutes months in advance, and neither should you.

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27455 posts

The AVANTs go to the Figueres Vilafant station, which is about a mile or so from the Dali Theatre-Museum. The main (Figueres) station is a bit closer. There's a city bus running between the stations with a stop not too far from the museum, but in my experience the bus doesn't wait if the train is late, so it's worth thinking about what you'd want to do in that situation. There might be a taxi or two at the station, but if that would be your choice, don't dally as you leave the train.

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2992 posts

Anne... it seems this is going to change in the near future as this past month of February the moving of the station now located in the centre of Figueres has been approved. Both, high-speed trains and regular trains will meet in Vilafant -about 2km from the centre of Figueres.

Those visiting now don't worry as this move will take a while, I'd say not until late 2024 or 2025 at the very earliest.

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27455 posts

Any word on whether the buses to Cadaques will then depart from Figueres-Vilafant? They currently start their run at the Figueres station.

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2992 posts

I would imagine they'll do so from Vilafant -or will do so as well. But again, it's yet a long time since these changes will occur.

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463 posts

You’ll have zero problem. Just don’t wait until the day of travel. We were shocked to arrive to a Sold Out train the day of

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27455 posts

I've seen a lot of "full train" notices on the Renfe website when looking up schedules. It definitely happens in that country more than in most others. I don't know how much of an issue it is north of Barcelona, because most of my schedule research is for trips heading south.

Going to Figueres one does have the option of taking a slower train with no reserved seats (so the train can't sell out). You'd want to plan on doing that ahead of time, however, because there's quite a difference in the time required (at least 1 hr. 41 min. versus 55-57 min. for the fast trains); you'd need to take the increased travel time into consideration when choosing the Dali Theatre-Museum entry time.