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Train Stations

so I read that in Spain there is security checks. (no like Italy that is not)nI did really enjoyed traveling via train in Italy I wonder if in Spain I will get the same easiness feeling.... My question is how this slow things down?? can someone please explain exactly how it is?? its like in the airports?? it will take all that time??

Thank you

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94 posts

On intercity trains you will go through a metal detector and your bags will get x-rayed. You don't need to empty your pockets, take off your shoes, separate computers or liquids, it's not anything as invasive or time consuming as airport security.

It doesn't take much time at all, it's not a big deal

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3158 posts
  1. That ONLY applies to high-speed trains, there's no checking in regional or commuting trains.
  2. It's far less time-consuming than airport checks, as mentioned, it's just x-raying the suitcase and bags, no need to take off liquids, computers or shoes.
  3. Except for Barcelona and Madrid, where lines might be at times a bit long -albeit it continues to be a relatively fast process- at the rest of high-speed stations this process is speedy.
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165 posts

The AVE Xray at Madrid is thorough - we nearly lost our Leatherman. After some discussion , we were allowed to keep it.

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8180 posts

If you’ve been through the Roma Termini station where you must scan your train ticket before you’re allowed into the boarding section, it’s going to feel similar to it. People queue up, and your ticket is scanned or visually checked and your bags are rolling through a conveyor belt x-ray. Give yourself an extra five minutes in case there’s a line.