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Train Reservations in Spain

I have been trying for 2 months to book train reservations in Spain--all within Spain: Madrid to other cities for August--and have consulted an overwhelming amount of resources (maninseat61, rome2rio, renfe, ave, rail europe, trainline, etc) and cannot find ANY tickets. I am getting messages like "ave is sold out" or renfe "sorry, cannot process at this time." Websites say tickets are available 60 or 90 days out but this is not my experience. Can anyone offer assistance? Thanks!

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6848 posts

What other cities?

It might simply be the case that you are trying to book too early. Depending on where you're going you can try Iryo as well, their website is much easier to use and they sell tickets in advance in a more predictable way.

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8120 posts

Renfe has shown to not follow a set time when tickets for certain routes go on sale. You pretty much have to check everyday. Try after June 6.

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5458 posts

It would be helpful if you could share the exact starting and ending point for each journey and the date for each journey.