Does anyone have any information about any discount tickets on the train from Barcelona to Perpignon. We will have 2 senior citizens and a 21 yr. old student who goes to school and is from the USA.
Thank you, Connie
There is a TGV train from Barcelona to Perpignan, France.
Check this website to book your train tickets:
You may be able to get discounted train tickets if you buy them in advance -- up to 3 months in advance.
Check above website for more details.
EDIT: Some tickets can be booked up to 6 months in advance but only to certain destinations.
Regular fare on this route is about 37 euros per person and does not show discounts based on either age or advance purchase, so there's no rush to buy tickets. Longer-distance TGVs do have advance- purchase discounts. Slower trains in France offer a 25% senior discount. Additional youth or senior discounts require purchase of an annual discount card, which you wouldn't usually do for a short trip.