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Toledo FYI

Just wanted to give folks a heads up here.

If anyone is going to Toledo in the near future and wants to see the El Greco's at the Santa Cruz Museum, you now have to get a reserve ticket and I don't think it's free. They are promoting the 400th year of his death and you need a reservation to get in.

Another FYI if you've never been. It's a really neat looking town with great history but if you've heard Rick talk about towns that are very touristy, I think this is the poster child. I've never seen so many tour groups in a small town, so be prepared. And most of the stores close when they leave for the day.

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1178 posts

Thanks for the update. Have visited several times and enjoyed each visit. The key is to spend at least one night when the other tourists have departed, It is a different place then. Great to walk along the deserted mind you as well. Love the Santa Cruz museum. One of the best and their exhibits change yearly in many areas. The Prado in Madrid has an outstanding room(s?) filled with El Greco...Amazing!!!

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20 posts

Thank you Jeremy for the update.
I was going to go there as a day trip from Madrid but will go to Segovia instead.
I agree with the other post...that spending the night would be a preferable option if wanting to see Toledo but since I can't do that, day trip elsewhere is perhaps a better choice.
Hopefully, Segovia will be less crowded.