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Time needed to change trains in Madrid to head to Toledo

We will be taking the fast train (Iryo) from Cordoba to Madrid on October 14. We have decided to head to Toledo for a couple of nights and then return to Madrid. Iryo trains do not go to Toledo so we will need to take a Renfe train. In reading about the train station in Madrid, it sounds like it is beautiful - but large so we want to make sure we schedule enough time to get from our Iryo train to the Renfe train.
We arrive in Madrid at 2:24pm. There is a Renfe train that leaves for Toledo at 3:50 pm. That gives us over an hour to find the platform for the Renfre train. Is that enough time?
A second question: We are thinking about taking an earlier train from Cordoba to Madrid - but in reading through all the Iryo information - although we can change the time for no cost - it looks like the only way to do this is by calling them. Have I missed something?

Thanks in advance for any advice! PeggyJ

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2495 posts

That’s plenty of time to transfer in Madrid. It’s possible that they won’t even announce the platform for the train to Toledo until 20 minutes before departure. So you’ll have plenty of time.

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23574 posts

Unless something has changed recently, you will not be permitted on the platform until just before the train arrives. There will also be light, airport style, of security to insure no weapons on you or your luggage prior to entry to the platform. As I remember they will ask to see your ticket. Your time is fine. Absolutely know your train number. The platforms are rarely announced more than 30 minutes prior to departure and I have seen it as short as five minutes. So you need to sit in view of a departure board so you can see your train.

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37 posts

Thanks so much for alleviating my stress - We are all set! And figured out how to change our tickets for an earlier departure time from Cordoba to Madrid so we can catch an earlier train to Toledo and spend a bit more time there!