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Time between airport and Atocha

I'm flying into Madrid and taking the train out of Atocha. I'd like to buy my train ticket ahead of time. How much time should I allow to travel by tube from the airport and the Atocha train station?

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28674 posts

It's really risky to pre-purchase a rail ticket on your arrival day. There's so much about your path through the airport that's unpredictable: Will the flight be late? Will the plane have to wait for a gate? Will the flight be full and thus very slow to unload? Will there be a major line-up at Immigration?

Are you taking such a long train ride that there's a very significant difference in the price between buying now and buying on your arrival day?

Posted by
53 posts

We just got back from Spain. Here is my spin on your questions:
The airport is huge----depending on where you arrive, you'll have alot of walking to get to the bus stop (that was easy to find right outside baggage. You of course have to wait for your baggage. The express bus is great but it takes 45 minutes to get to Atocha, depending on traffic.

Once at Atocha you are let off right in front of the immense station. But for us it was very confusing as to where to go since there were two large sections. We finally found the correct AVE train section after alot of walking around and asking people. Allow extra time to find it all. Trains DO leave right on time.

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4 posts

We went straight from the Madrid airport to Atocha. Our airplane landed at approximately 0800 and our train left Atocha at 1100. That gave us time to get Euros from the cash machine, take the express bus downtown (it was snowing, so traffic was slower than it might usually be), find the right area of Atocha station, and grab a bite to eat before boarding the train.

Posted by
32 posts

Thanks. It is quite a difference in the ticket price between ahead of time and on the day but I'll be sure to leave lots of time. I get in at 8:20 and there is a train at 1:00. We always keep euros from the last trip handy and we never check bags so we ought to be okay then. It sounds like we'll have enough time for lunch and for a couple of things to go wrong then and still make the train.

Posted by
5309 posts

Normally I don't book my train tickets for the day of arrival due to possible unforeseen delays as already mentioned by the others.

Since you plan to take the 1PM train to your destination, then you've given yourself plenty of time, and there shouldn't be a problem.

If you're booking an AVE ticket, you can take the Cercanías C-1 line ( commuter train) directly from the airport (Terminal 4) to Puerta de Atocha station for free. Your ticket will have a special code which entitles you to the free
"Combinado Cercanías" ticket.

Have a wonderful trip!