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Tapas in Madrid

I have been seeing online posts about tapas bars in Madrid now having lines to get in and increasingly aggressive customers (more so than usual). Any experiences/comments/feedback?

Thanks in advance

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273 posts

There are so many. If you like Tapas experience in peace try the neighborhood ones where locals go avoid the international touristy tour group areas like Puerto del sol the museum area and the Mercado San Miguel which would have lines and are over priced. Ask a your concierge that live there what's good off the tourists path.

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4142 posts

We were just there last October and didn’t have any problems finding a place to eat. We would be sightseeing and see a place at our meal time, sit down and enjoy. Mercado San Miguel was packed all the time, so we just walked through for a look and left. We did eat at Botin and enjoyed the Botin Experience immensely. It’s in Rick’s book or you can goggle it to make a reservation, if that interests you. We loved it, a highlight of our Madrid stay.
We also did a tapas tour which was fun too. We booked through the tour guide recommended in Rick’s book. I have a trip report entitled 3 weeks in Spain, Ole detailing all.

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25 posts

Lines to get in!?
Rahirner, there are more tapas bars in Madrid than people!
If you want to go to the most popular ones try to make a reservation through their website (sometimes is possible) but the best strategy is be there when it opens.