Jajjaaa! I get away with a lot of imperfections in my Spanish. With everyone except my boyfriend, who is half French!
Yes, the French are very proud (and protective) of their language, and they take the manners to an obsession. It's always bonjour, merci, si vous plait, monsieur this, madame that... one would think you are still in primaria lol!
I'll also mention Spain has one of the lowest percentages of English proficiency in Europe. So many people you meet outside of the touristy areas may not even be able to fall back to English if they wanted to.
I've been trying out several language apps. Any recommendations for the best language app where lessons can be accessed off-line?
To increase your comprehension of the Spanish (Castellano) actually spoken on the ground in Spain, I suggest watching a few episodes of Masterchef España on Youtube. Here they speak in the normal pace with the regional Spanish accents you may face in your travels, it will certainly be a dive off the deep end but perhaps more practical than what they taught you back in highschool.