How extensive will closures be on this Spanish holiday? Will everything be closed as it is on Mondays? We are thinking of changing our dates since we would lose ability to see things on Monday, Oct. 11 and Tuesday, Oct.12.
I'll be interested to see the responses to your post, as I will be in Barcelona on Oct. 11 & 12
... for those visiting Barcelona (or anywhere else in Catalonia for that matter): you might or might not be aware that in Catalonia its National Day is Sept 11th -when we celebrate our Catalanism with 'big' celebrations- for the Spanish National Day in October 12th we do nothing, it's just like a regular Sunday. Thus, except for shopping -on Sundays shops and workplaces are closed- you can do pretty much anything else, as a tourist, you'd normally do: visit museums and attractions, take the hoho buses, go to the beach, make a day escapade outside the capital, etc.
Thank you so much. I didn't want to lose two days while in Barcelona. We were ready to rework our entire itinerary. It sounds like the only negative could be larger crowds due to a work holiday for locals.
... "negative"?? :))))
I was in Spain for four of the last five Spanish National Days. On those trips I was in Segovia, Burgos, Madrid and Salamanca on October 12th. There was nothing that I wished to do as a tourist that was adversely impacted by the holiday. Do not worry about it.
Thank you Enric for the information. I've been reading your posts regularly to prepare for my upcoming Barcelona trip.
Feel free to ask for specifics
Thank you! I will take you up on that offer from time to time :-)