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Spanish language immersion for 50+ in/near Extremadura

We would like to enroll in a week-long Spanish language class in the Extremadura part of Spain in the fall, after which we will take a 2 week vacation in Spain so we can continue to practice speaking and reading. We would like as close to immersion as possible, including homestay. There are 2 of us, and we know basic Spanish but need additional instruction, practice, and vocabulary. If you have taken such a course, in Extremadura or elsewhere in Spain, could you share the school/institute name, location, and your experience?

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6978 posts

Probably not helpful, but I doubt you’ll learn much more than you already know in a two week course. Since you’ll already be in Spain, I’m not sure how much more immersive you hope to get. You can read Spanish newspapers online and can watch Spanish language tv in the states prior to going over. That will get you used to hearing Spanish. Once there, ensure you use your limited Spanish at every opportunity. After a couple days, you should start understanding more.

The Spanish are very forgiving when you make mistakes trying to speak the language. I will add that if you really want to be immersive, avoid tourist areas since you’ll naturally revert to what you know best. Visit small villages and hamlets that seldom see tourists and where few people speak English. Those places are where you can strike up conversations and have experiences you’ll remember for a long time.

Edited: In 2022 while in Artajona we asked a couple to take our photo. I spoke in Spanish and the wife of the couple spoke in English so she could practice. We ended up conversing with them for about 30 minutes. The husband spoke very clearly and slowly so I understood everything he said. His wife’s English was very good. They were from Albacete and were surprised to find Americans in a small town and interested in places other than the main tourist destinations.

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I just got back from Spain 2 weeks ago. I am fluent in Spanish ( born in the US) and when I started a conversation in Spanish, people answered me in English: maybe they wanted to practice their English.
Good Luck!