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Spain Car travel

We are going to rent a car in Andalusia in November. We have rented a couple times in France and I anticipate using EuropCar because they worked well for us in France. We will pick up when we are done with Sevilla and drop off when we get to Granada. A few questions--Do we need an international driver's license and where does one get that? What is the legal blood alcohol limit in Spain or if it differs by region, Andalusia? We are hoping to do a little wine tasting. Lastly, I'm a little nervous about descriptions I'm reading of driving in the White Villages--narrow roads, cliffs. However, we have driven mountains in the U.S. plenty of times. We've never had a problem. Thanks!

Posted by
6113 posts

Yes, you need an international driving licence for Spain. The limit for alcohol consumption whilst driving is approximately half that of the USA.

Posted by
2456 posts

It is not exactly an International Drivers "License" but rather an International Drivers "Permit" (IDP), which is just a translation of your US driving license into several languages, so that law enforcement can understand it. You can get one at any AAA office for about $15. You will also need two passport-type photos, which you can bring to AAA with you, or generally they can take them their for a small charge.

Posted by
7024 posts

The IDP is $20 and is good for a year. Personally, i never drink anywhere in Europe if I am going to drive, it’s not worth the risk. I’ll drink when we’ve stopped for the evening.
The road from Sevilla to Arcos de la Frontera where you’ll probably start your white towns tour is an Interstate. From there, the roads will be two lane in mostly good condition. Because they are rural roads, they do wind and there are plenty of curves. The most curvy part I remember is going from Zahara de la Sierra to Grazalema. While the distances between towns may not be the great, because of the curves and getting stuck behind a truck or tractor, it takes longer to get places. The roads are no more dangerous than a similar road in the states. Eventually, you’ll work your way back to an interstate possibly near Marbella (depending on the route you take), and it’s all interstate all the way to Granada.

Posted by
694 posts

Since you will not be driving either in Sevilla or Granada, you wont have a problem. You will mostly be on regional roads (2 lanes) or highways.

Posted by
15768 posts

The roads in the hills are easy to drive. They are well-maintained 2 lane highways and very scenic. There are pull-outs where you can enjoy the views and take photos. The only tricky driving is when you go off the main road and into the villages. Most have narrow streets (with parked cars) and some parts are very steep with sharp blind corners. One thing I became aware of very quickly is that when lower speed limits are posted for curves, take them seriously. GPS will be useful getting out of Sevilla and into Granada, as well as in the large towns like Ronda and Antequera. The only wine tasting I did was at the wine museum in Ronda, the Centro de Interpretacion del Vino, which has a small interesting museum.

The blood alcohol limit is 0.5 (in the US it's 0.8).

Posted by
6285 posts

Thanks! So now I'm sufficiently informed, though I can't help feeling a bit sad. We've visited France a few times, and apparently uninformed and incurring some risk, we loved stopping for picnics and sharing a bottle of wine. Usually some Alsatian Riesling or a Vouvray from the Loire. Great memories, but even at 6-2 I think my husband would be over the legal limit to drive. In the U.S. I know that we'd be fine, but apparently not in Europe. I guess we could drink less. . .fond memories.

We will only have a car for four or so days on this trip so I'm sure we'll manage. ;) So excited for this trip and appreciate trip planning assistance from folks on this forum.

Posted by
125 posts

Be extremely careful and conservative in your driving in Spain. Check the rules of the road before you go. Do not expect be able to fudge the rules at all or talk the police out of a ticket. Do NOT try to pass or even look like you're trying to pass on curves. On one busy well-maintained two-lane highway in the mountains between Arcos de la Frontera and Ronda, our driver was ticketed €300 for just moving the vehicle to the left a little over the dividing line when on-coming traffic cleared to see what the holdup was in our slow-moving traffic.

Posted by
5477 posts

but even at 6-2 I think my husband would be over the legal limit to drive

Is this his height or some bottle/glass ratio?

If it's height I see no relevance. Alcohol testing measures alcohol in breath, your height, weight, sex, muscle mass etc has no relevance when it comes to alcohol limits and driving.

If it's glass/bottle ratio then you'll still be pushing it.

Posted by
6285 posts

Sorry, yes his height and he is over 200lbs. You're right, the instrument measures alcohol in breath, I've never thought of that. But, it is supposed to be Blood alcohol, correct? I will have to run this by medical researcher kids.

Posted by
5477 posts

Blood alcohol measurements are taken if, once arrested after providing a positive breath test, you elect to provide a blood test. These are all consensual but often provide a more accurate result. Weight and body mass has a greater impact than height.