I agree with the other responses but come down even harder on the inadvisability of going to Seville and other places in Andalucía in the summer. Are you aware that Seville's average high temperature in August is 100F, and the record is 117F? And those stats are based on a time period ending in 2010. I'll bet if you included 2011-2018, those figures would be higher.
Edited to add: Those figures for Seville are 6 degrees higher than the more-recent data for Athens and 16 degrees higher than more-recent data for Mykonos. Plus islands tend to be a lot breezier than interior cities. [Edited to change "coastal cities" to "interior cities", which is what I meant to say.]
Madrid and surrounding are also very hot in mid-summer. Barcelona is cooler but can be quite muggy. I had some low-80s days in August 2016 that felt hotter to me because of the humidity. It wasn't unbearable, just less than ideal. There are lots of beaches in Catalunya, but I can't provide specifics since I don't care for beaches. I think Greece's Aegean islands tend to be quite dry in the summer, so I think Spain's weather could suffer by comparison.
Aside from the Pyrenees, which I'm not sure about visiting without a car, the most pleasant part of Spain in mid-summer is along the northern coast between Galicia in the west and the Basque Country in the east. That area tends to have very moderate temperatures and is frequently cloudy, so I cannot promise that you will have beach-time opportunities every day unless yours is a very hardy family. Although a car would be handy in that part of Spain, I spent a lot of time there and depended on trains and buses, so I know it can be done. Unfortunately, there's no AVE rail service between Barcelona and the Basque Country, so traveling back and forth takes about 6-1/2 hours each way.
I urge you to pick up a comprehensive guide book to Spain that covers a lot more places in the northern part of the country than Rick does. Valencia wouldn't be on my 17-day itinerary, but that is based on trip research rather than personal experience. I've spent 4 - 5 months in Spain over the course of several trips, and there have always been lots of places I preferred to go.