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So how bad is the pickpocketing situation in Barcelona?

I am fully aware that there is a problem with pickpockets in Barcelona. I have been warned many times over by many persons both on and off forum.

How bad is the problem really and truly when it is all said and done?

I have a sling bag which I bought for my last trip but continue to use at home. This was my first sling bag and I plan to buy a better one before my trip to Barcelona.

Or should I also buy a money belt as well for my more "precious" items like my passport.

I am an old lady with a bad knee. I limp and use a cane.

Would the pickpockets target me? Would they push me down or shove me against a wall?

I am always aware of my surroundings. I am always cautious even at home but more so when traveling.

Posted by
8373 posts

We didn't have any problem with pickpocketing in Barcelona. But there again, we never carry anything of values in our pockets. I hide my ATM card deep inside my clothes.

In other cities, I've seen pickpockets do things like get in front of a bunch of folks coming down an escalator and one will trip at the bottom. People keep on coming--falling into a big pile. Then their "buddies" close in--going for billfolds.

They take cash out of the billfolds and throw them on the ground.

Just be vigilant. I also never accept any help from locals that I don't ask for--i.e. directions, etc. People just want something from travelers--their $.

Posted by
5821 posts

I am fully aware that there is a problem with pickpockets in Barcelona. I have been warned many times over by many persons both on and off forum.

How many more times do you need to be told that pickpockets in Barcelona are a real problem, before you believe it? Do you think all those previous warnings were for no reason?

A money belt, neck pouch, or hidden pocket is always a good idea to safeguard documents, bank cards and cash that is not needed for the day. Whether you choose to use them, or just rely on your purse is up to you.

Pickpockets target the unwary, and the careless. They steal by stealth or misdirection. Don't confuse pickpockets with muggers or robbers. Those are much less likely in tourist areas.

Posted by
2701 posts

Definitely wear a money belt for your passport, cards, and all cash besides what you need for the day. Only keep a small amount of cash and one card in your sling bag. Don't take the money belt off at all until you get back to your hotel room. Just forget it's even there. I haven't even been to Barcelona (yet) but it's just become a habit now.

We like the RS one, but there's a lot on Amazon, and if you have Prime I'm sure you can find one that works for you with free shipping. You've got lots of time to try and return a few.

Posted by
2436 posts

Hello C Jean

Yes, I am fully aware been that there is a problem with pickpockets in Barcelona but I am asking for clarification on the problem.

I have lived in some big cities and traveled to many others. I know how to take care of myself or at least I think that I do.

But i continue to hear about the pickpockets in Barcelona and I was seeking clarification as to what to expect.

Do they work in groups? Are they on every street corner just waiting for "me". Are they behind a bus stop sign.

If I take my normal precautions that I always do anyway, will I be ok.

I keep hearing about and being warned about "the pickpockets, the pickpockets, the pickpockets" but I really do not know what to expect and so I am asking for further information and clarification.

Other persons might have the same questions as myself.

Posted by
2436 posts

Thanks to everyone for your feedback.


I have read where in some cities, thieves work in pairs or in groups. One person might stop you to ask a. question or for some other reason and another would be stealing your stuff.

I had not yet heard of the Escalator Scam.


I plan on getting a money belt before Barcelona as well as a more secure sling bag.

And as I told CJean, I have heard many times over about "the pickpockets" and :"watch your stuff, etc" but I do not know what to expect when it comes to these thieves because that is what they are.

Is there one pickpocket for every tourist? Are there no police or security?

It does seem that when it comes to crime, Barcelona is known for its pickpockets so I have to assume that there is a great number, more than in other cities.

Posted by
7195 posts

Have you read through this section in 'Travel Tips'? Pay special attention to the paragraphs under: Stay Vigilant in Crowds and Steer Clear of Commotions. It covers some of the tricks groups of pickpockets use.

In the end, keep your valuables inaccessible and be aware of your surroundings and you should not have a problem. I can't say it never happens, but it's highly unlikely that you would be targeted, pushed down, or slammed into a building/wall. They are after affluent looking tourists and aren't out to mug little old ladies.

Posted by
15133 posts

"I had not yet heard of the Escalator Scam."

This has been going on for years. It happened to my parents when they were coming up out of a Paris Metro in the 1980's. Dad realized what was going to happen and told Mom to make a hard right at the top of the escalator because the guy ahead of her was going to fall. She did and my completely non-athletic Dad was able to vault over the guy.

I have not been to Barcelona. I do not think whatever precautions you normally take will be enough. Whatever you did was fine for London, Bruges, Bordeaux and your Spanish coast and Portugal stops. You will not see or feel a pickpocket and you will not be able to stand on a street corner and pick them out.

It's your choice as to what you do to protect your passport, credit cards and money.

If you go with the most secure solution that people are offering here - a money belt that is used for deep storage and is NOT accessed unless you are in your hotel room or a toilet stall - you will be able to keep your important things safe. If you go with your sling bag you may be successful at hanging on to your stuff...or not.

Again, no one can make this decision for you. It's your job as a traveler to make decisions to mitigate any risk to you.

Posted by
189 posts

I should have also said that hubby and I have been to Spain four times(every time in Madrid and twice in Barcelona) and have never had a problem. Why? We think it's because we both carry a PacSafe/Travellon bag. He's got one and I have the other. I had a PacSafe bag but had to toss it in the trash because the strap broke which really annoyed me because those bags are not cheap!! And I had only used it for three previous trips. So I'm using the Travellon bag that I bought for my daughter.

I think you will probably be okay since your money will be hidden and as long as they can't get in your bag. Our bags both have the zipper closures that clasp onto the ring of the strap so nobody can get in there quickly. Again, I think the thieves leave us alone because of ours bags.

Posted by
4209 posts

I don't think it's accurate to call them pickpockets these days, at least in Barcelona. Most of them aren't actually picking your pocket but rather trying to violently grab whatever seems valuable that you have on you, whether that's a watch, a camera slinged on your shoulder, a day bag, or a phone on a lanyard.

There's no honor among these new types of criminals many of whom are foreigners who come to Barcelona only to prey on tourists, sometimes at the point of a knife, often hunting in groups to overwhelm victims.

However chances are nothing bad will happen to you, especially during the day. That being said, I have personally avoided the Barrio Gotico and Ramblas areas the last two times I was back in Barcelona. In the end it's up to you if the benefits outweigh the risks.

Here's a good video of an American couple who were recent victims of robbery in Barcelona, they describe well the current preferred tactics of the criminals.

Here is also a very good video of interviews with local Barcelona residents giving a current update on the safety situation of Barcelona plus tips of how to stay safe, it's in Spanish but they have English subtitles.

Posted by
8558 posts

Barcelona is the worst city in Europe for pickpockets/theft. I have been there three times and every time, someone that I knew on the trip (from a cruise or tour) was a victim.

What I do is wear a money belt that has my passport and main credit card and ATM card. I then carry a little cash and another credit card on my person. My wife has a pack safe purse that has a strap that can't be cut or broken. She wraps her arm around the purse with the strap so her purse can't be snatched.

Once we are in our hotel room or cruise ship, we use the hotel safe for the passport and extra credit cards/ATM cards. I then carry a photo of my passport.

Other cities to be concerned about are Rome, Naples area, Paris, Madrid and Athens.

Posted by
3627 posts

No one can tell you for sure that you will be ok. Travel/life is a risk. Take precautions, think positive. If someone guaranteed your safety on this forum would you really believe it anyways? If you would, then definitely don’t go!

Posted by
1427 posts

I noticed the folks they interviewed in that video linked were in the Raval. That was the one area I found truly sketch in central Barcelona, and I have a high tolerance for sketchiness in cities. There was some criminality targeting tourists on Las Ramblas when I first started going about 25 years ago, but it's got steadily worse. I haven't been in Barcelona for a few years, but I think I would be pretty cautious on Las Ramblas and at P. de Catalunya these days.

Posted by
7417 posts

I have friends and someone tried to steal a bag of theirs while they were sitting on a bench by Plaza Catalunya. Same couple, but a different trip, somebody tried to take their phone that was stupidly set on their lunch table. Petty theft is real and you need to be aware anyplace you visit, not just Barcelona. You need to be especially aware in or around crowds.

Posted by
2436 posts


thank you for the videos.

The couple who got robbed must have been out late. It seems like no one was around but themselves and the gang.

It was a scary story.

Posted by
2436 posts

Thanks to everyone

I am old as I have said many times. I am usually back at the hotel before or early dark. I do not stay out late and no longer party hard, if at all.

I wear no jewelry. I dress down you might say. Most of my clothes are hand me downs or thrift stores or garage sales. I have some cute clothes but I do not dress up.. I do not have an expensive cell phone.

Thanks for clarifying how bad the situation is and I will be extra on alert.

I am a very alert person, always, but it seems to be human nature letting your guard down when traveling.

Imagine a resident of Barcelona coming to visit the USA for the first time and wanting to know about crime!!!!!!!!!

Posted by
2436 posts

Hi Toby,

Thanks for the interesting article.

i will be looking into the PacSafe bag you mentioned.

It might be out of my budget

Did you try to return the relatively new one you bought that broke after three vacations.

Posted by
1427 posts

I had a run of going to Barcelona from 1999 for eight or ten years every year for Sonar Festival and I never had any trouble.

I talk about The Raval; that was one place where I've walked into a cafe in the day and the locals were looking like who the f- are you? :) There was some on-street drug dealing back when, not sure if that sort of thing goes on now. I have a feeling the less wealthy residents of The Raval may have been usurped by AirBnB and young professionals these days.

Other side of Las Ramblas, Barri Gotic is a bit rough in some streets. I went to a party in a squatted apartment there one night. It was the first time I saw anyone do capoeira. I left and returned to the party at one point, but went to the wrong apartment and walked in on an elderly gentleman watching TV in his living room.

I always recommend people give Villa de Gracia a try when they are looking to stay in Barcelona. It's a great little community. It's gentrified over the years, but maybe it's better for it in some people's view. You need to be quite fit to walk to Placa de Catalunya, especially walking back uphill! It's far enough away from the madness in the centre, but still has a couple good metro stations to use. Not practical for the OP on this trip though.

Posted by
726 posts

One’s vigilance level (safeguarding your belongings) should be the same wherever you travel and it’s wonderful to read that you are. A fellow traveler was pickpocketed in Berlin while sitting enjoying a beverage, another while boarding an empty local bus in Palermo, while yet another while boarding a packed train in Cinque Terre, and finally a young lady from our group was relieved of her wallet while window browsing the streets of a town in Austria. During my first trip to Barcelona a tour member’s backpack was unzipped by someone but luckily that individual was spared any losses. While Barcelona is perhaps notorious our group of seven navigated the streets of Barcelona last May without incident.

Posted by
189 posts

hi bostonphil7. the bag's strap broke at the beginning of a 10 day trip and I didn't want to carry around an extra bag that I wasn't going to use so I left it in the trash in my hotel room. I considered writing to the company but I didn't take any photos so they'd have no way of knowing if I was telling the truth. It was on the largish side and had two pockets on either side where I'd put my water bottle. The one I used last time and will use again is smaller and I prefer that now anyway so it all worked out except for the cost of the disappointing bag. Ah well.

Posted by
10482 posts

Pickpockets target the unwary, and the careless.

And the elderly, and those whose mobility is compromised.

Posted by
2176 posts

Go to Amazon and look for a hidden bra wallet.
They are great. You can also wear them attached to a belt, your underwear, etc.

Posted by
4209 posts

The couple who got robbed must have been out late. It seems like no one was around but themselves and the gang.

You will be surprised it was only 9 pm when they were attacked, that is when people start eating dinner in Spain, so not late at all by our standards. You'll find that it's easy to get lost when wanding the narrow lanes of the Barrio Gotico at night, you'll turn a corner and you find yourself alone in an empty alley or dead end.

Posted by
2436 posts

Good Morning Kim

"And the elderly, and those whose mobility is compromised".

That's me Kim. except I prefer old or senior to elderly. I am considered elderly by the powers that be but I don't feel it even with my arthritic knee.

Posted by
2436 posts


I will have to have a very big lunch because I am often ready for bed by 9 pm.

I know that they eat very late in Spain but I will not be able to eat a meal at 9 pm. I am too tired by that time. And then I would get heartburn from eating so late.

For now, I am booked at the Hotel Continental Barcelona which is on Las Rambla and offers breakfast plus a light buffet 24/7.

I am also booked at HCC Montblanc and I will have to make a choice.

But I will not be eating sit down large meals no matter what. And I can not wait until 9 pm to eat dinner. I hope that street food might be available or take out food.

I also will not be walking around at 9 pm. Usually I am back at my hotel an hour or so before that and getting ready for the next day.

I have found that as I have grown older, my wants and needs have changed.

Because of this conversation and other mentions of pickpockets, I will be extra vigilant although I always am.

What about police? I would hope that they are out and about in these areas where visitors are being targeted by thieves .


Posted by
2701 posts

Having just returned from Spain I can say that you won't have trouble finding lots of places to eat dinner much earlier than 9pm, and not limited to fast food. I was worried about this too, but turned out to not be an issue. I assume in a big city like Barcelona you won't have trouble either.

Posted by
28768 posts

It has been explained in earlier threads that the local laws do not make it possible to incarcerate pickpockets. They might be picked up, but they'd be back on the street the next day, or so I gather. That said, I've spent 12 days in Barcelona since 2016 (none since the pandemic) without ever seeing a pickpocket in action.

You're likely not to lose anything. But you can increase your chances of being a victim if you don't have control of your belongings, carry valuables in an accessible pocket of your purse, look lost or vulnerable, are on an un-peopled block in a questionable area, are wearing expensive jewelry or leather goods, are rolling a pricey suitcase, etc.

Posted by
874 posts

But I will not be eating sit down large meals no matter what. And I can not wait until 9 pm to eat dinner. I hope that street food might be available or take out food.

You will find all of these. As well as the usual all-day fast food outlets. You could also have tapas early evening. I found a nice place somewhere in the Barri Gotic that did fresh ready-made take-out - nice salads, and some hot food too - that you could buy early evening and eat at your hotel. I’ll try to find the place. [ETA: can’t find it. All I remember was it was quite near the Picasso museum in a narrow corner building but that doesn’t help.]

I have not experienced pickpockets or street theft in Portugal although I’m well aware it happens. I stayed at a lovely little hotel last time called the Muzik Boutique hotel in the area of El Born. El Born is north of the Barri Gotic, not far from Plaça Catalunya. Great area, but full of narrow streets and alleys, with a few seedy, sketchy corners near the Mercat Santa Caterina, and the hotel had big warning signs about thefts in the area. (I do recommend the hotel though!)

I’m late 50s, fit, the kind of woman who strides confidently in sensible shoes. I have a great sense of direction and tend always to know where I’m going. I think all of this helps me, although I also know I’ve been very lucky. I carry a small backpack that has a bottle of water and my guidebook. My phone and small amount of cash will be in an inside zipped pocket of my coat (this was November). Passport is back at hotel in my suitcase. So I do everything I can to minimise problems and then I think: what the hell. If they steal my bag, they’re getting nothing.

I don’t know either of your hotels but the Hotel Continental is at the top end of La Rambla, busy and well-lit and full of big shops. I walked past the HCC Montblanc en route between my hotel (Muzik Boutique) and Plaça Catalunya and my beloved department store El Corte Ingles a lot. Also on a busy well-lit street, and you’ll find plenty of all-day eateries around there.

Posted by
1427 posts

I always found the little restaurants around Port Vell good for an early evening dinner. Paella for two and a pitcher of sangria was always my go to for my partner and I. I don't remember ever paying a lot for dinner. Nice to watch the yachts with the sun setting I thought.

Edit: Further down in Barceloneta is good for early evening too. Lots of choice for eating and a stroll by the beach is nice.

Posted by
4725 posts

I like pants with zippers and use a safety pin to keep zipper closed, but I have not been to Barcelona.

Posted by
2436 posts

Thank you all.

Well, I won't have to go hungry in Barcelona!


so the pickpockets are rewarded because the city is not able to charge.

It is probably a revolving door system. In some cities in the USA, that is also happening.

So the pickpockets in Barcelona are picked up, maybe. Do they get a fine or have to go to counseling or what. Does nothing at all happen to the pickpockets even if they are well known to the police or the court?

Posted by
1427 posts

In the early evening you'll probably find wait staff keen to have you come and eat at their place, before the rush of people eating on "Spanish time".

The open air restaurants at the bottom of Las Ramblas are a popular choice, but it's places like that you would need to keep your belongings locked up like Fort Knox these days.

Even at Port Vell or Barceloneta I think you'd have to be on your guard these days sadly. It gets you away from the worst of it if your mobility and time allows.

Posted by
2345 posts

Our first trip to Barcelona was in 2015. Walking down Las Ramblas for the first time in the middle of the day, it seemed every woman walking towards us had a small crossbody bag carried in front with their hand over the zipper. We are headed back to Barcelona for 6 days this April. I use a neck wallet tucked into a camisole and my husband uses a money belt. Whatever cash I’ll need while out will be in the crossbody. I can see using a sling bag, but don’t leave the zipper uncovered. I don’t know if anyone’s every lost anything if they have the zipper secured with a safety pin, but a guy on our tour had his cargo pant zipper opened and the contents removed right in front of me without anyone being aware. The speed and dexterity left an unforgettable impression.

No one can tell you who to watch out for because there is no one particular model. They could be young, they could be middle-aged, they could be a group of teens or someone dressed like a professional on their way to work. Be suspicious of small commotions and anyone approaching you to ask for directions. Bottom line, if your stuff is locked down, you can relax and enjoy this much-anticipated vacation.

Posted by
10791 posts

Pickpockets are looking for easy targets. You have to be honest with yourself about whether you match that description. However you like to think of yourself age-wise, you have mentioned many times your advanced age and your mobility problems. I expect you are exactly the type of person they are looking for. If you watched the video linked above, the man who had his watch stolen was tall and able bodied. His wife was physically assaulted. I had my wallet picked on the Paris metro when I was 52, so considerably younger than your current age and I didn’t have any physical issues. I didn’t even know it happened until I noticed my purse was unzipped and my wallet was missing. We were on our way to the airport and thankfully they didn’t get my passport. That experience has made me much more cautious than I was, and I was very cautious to begin with.

Posted by
2436 posts

Hi Andrea,

I think the man in the video was a doctor who was wearing a very expensive watch. He said something about the watch being insured and when he showed us the watch in the video. we only saw the back. I was looking for the face and the brand.

I am assuming that he and his wife were well dressed and she also wore some nice jewelry. The wife may have had an expensive purse and shoes.

Thieves look for that sort of stuff.

However, if they do not have to fear being arrested -- if nothing happens to them -- why not try to pickpocket anyone and everyone.

It is a good thing that I am hearing these things now rather than after arriving in Barcelona.

And while I am vulnerable, i think that I do knows how to protect myself. But I am going to invest in a good money belt.

For whatever it is worth, I am going to have a four prong cane with me.

Posted by
1331 posts

I have kept my wallet/billfold chained to the inside of my purse for the last 15 - 20 years of traveling. Small chains are readily available online.

Shortly before one of my trips to Bangkok, there had been several instances in which thieves on motor scooters grabbed a cross shoulder bag and dragged the wearer into the street. Sounds like what Gail refers to. It was suggested to use a bag with shorter straps that is carried under the arm. Harder to grab (apparently) and it can be released if necessary to save oneself. I actually found this more comfortable than a cross-body bag. The other suggestion (not unknown to most here, I'm sure) was to walk away from the street and don't stand close to the corner when waiting for traffic lights, etc.

Posted by
11811 posts

When sitting in restaurants in Barcelona, we were warned to be aware and alert. Our waiter took an extra napkin, opened it up and covered my purse which was well secured on my lap.
It is such a beautiful, art filled city but they have let this situation go on for too many years.
bostonphil, try to stay in a group when you go sight seeing.Be open with your tour group about being vulnerable and fearful of being taken advantage of.
We all want you safe and your trip to be wonderful!!
My husband hit a thief in Barcelona with a folded newspaper. She ran away screaming and no one paid any attention to her. Think what you could do with a cane!
We all are with you bostonphil in wishing you a safe experience in Barcelona!

Posted by
28768 posts

I know nothing about Spanish law, but I would not advise bostonphil to respond to a non-violent crime (or an attempt at one) by assaulting the (potential) thief with her cane. Is that acceptable behavior in Barcelona, or will we be responding to a plea for the name of a Barcelona lawyer later this year?

Posted by
584 posts

Hi Boston Phil,

Off topic a bit, but I remember from one of your other posts, you were on your way to your doctor to see about getting a knee replacement before you went traveling again. How is that going?

Posted by
2436 posts

Good Middle of The Night, Gail

Purse snatching by those on bikes has been a very long problem in Italy. I was even warned about it when I went to Italy in the 1960's.

But I have never worried so much about having my property stolen until reading about "The Thieves of Barcelona"

I had already read the link that you sent me. The woman was fortunate that so many good samaritans were there for her and she had a son who was able to fly in and help her.

I am going to invest in a. very good money belt and a better sling bag before Barcelona.

Posted by
2436 posts

Hello Kateja

Yeah, the knee! I am not dealing with needing a replacement very well.

I am doing P.T. all day and night. I have bought a heating pad and now have a cane. Using topicals. Voltaren is the best but can only be used three weeks at a time because it is so powerful.

I am going to try to postpone surgery until after my next cruise but I see the handwriting on the wall.

There seems to be some improvement with pain.

Thank you for asking

Posted by
2436 posts

Hello acraven

I realize that I am a guest in another country and respectful of international law but it might be a natural reflex if someone tries to grab my purse especially if there is an attempt to assault me to get it.

I would hate to be in the headlines or on the middle of the night news which I am watching right now.

Carlos sent me a link on this thread.

It was a youtube video made by a man, I think a doctor,. He and wife were assaulted by thieves wanting his watch while visiting Barcelona,. The couple tried to fight back. The gentleman who was a very big guy, reflected about the laws in Barcelona i.e. what might happen to him legally if he fought back and injured the thief. He was thinking like this even while trying to fight back.

The link is halfway down the page and well worth watching. It is scary.

I am going to make copies of my driver's license and passport for this trip. I have insurance for my cruise and for my flight but I do not know if anything covers me pre-cruise in Barcelona. Maybe it is something to look into.

Posted by
1427 posts

The problem with that idea isn't the police. The problem is leaving yourself open to getting a sock on the jaw or worse that otherwise wouldn't have happened. Your stuff is worth less than your physical safety.

Posted by
2069 posts

I've been to Spain 3 times and Barcelona once-never has my family or I ever been targeted. In general-

We all had cross purses and my dad carried a small bag with his wallet in a pocket. We never stood out in the street counting money or looking at our phones and never, ever walked and held our smartphones like so many Americans do.

We didn't dress up or have name brand bags, shoes. My family will never be in Vogue or any other magazines but we basically wore jeans and regular tennis shoes boots. No jewelry or any valuable items.

I honestly don't think thieves in Barcelona would target the elderly or infirmed anymore than anywhere else. Please remember that millions of travelers visit Barcelona everyday and don't have any issues. Be vigilant but don't be afraid. We can't always predict what will happen.

Posted by
401 posts

I think the possibility of pickpockets exist in any city, not just Europe, and I would imagine someone as you described yourself would be a target. I don't use a money belt because the feeling of something on my inside bothers me. Instead, we utilize the hotel room's safe and anti-theft purse (me) and backpacks (him).

Slingbags are great for the gym, but seem like they might have some weak spots as far as security. What about a cross body bag instead? Pacsafe has functional cross body bags they market as sling bags (although they don't look like sling bags). In any case, consider traveling with a security purse/bag instead. They do cost more and are a bit heavier, and probably not something you would use at home, but the peace of mind is worth it.

Posted by
8558 posts

Sorry, but I would venture to say that pickpocketing in Scandinavia is almost nothing compared to places like Barcelona, Rome and Madrid.

Posted by
2436 posts


I get confused by all the offerings. They are affordable but i never know which one to get.

What is the difference between a sling bag and a cross body bag?

Posted by
2436 posts

I have never been so nervous about pickpockets until I began to read all the warnings and cautions regarding pickpockets and Barcelona.

I did not even know that Lisbon has problems with pickpockets also. At times, persons did tell me to be careful with my things which is always good advice no matter where you are. I spent four days in Lisbon and never gave pickpockets a second though or even a first one.

Posted by
2701 posts

Keep in mind that you should also be extra vigilant in Rome. I see from your other thread that you'll be going there too.

Posted by
4209 posts

I have never been so nervous about pickpockets until I began to read all the warnings and cautions regarding pickpockets and Barcelona.

In Spain, we love our centuries-old sayings called "refránes", they help us get through daily life. We have a saying for your situation... "ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente" literally "eyes that do not see, heart that does not feel", which means roughly "ignorance is bliss".

Perhaps you should take a sanity break from all this research, what will be, will be... lo que será, será.

Posted by
2436 posts

Yes, Mary but in Rome, I will be on a cruise excursion offered by my ship

And I just booked one. It is an excursion for guests who use canes and walkers.

Norwegian just added this excursion. It is exactly the places that I wanted to go to and the sites that i wanted to see.

However I really only wanted the Vatican and the Sistine Capel. This one also goes to the Coliseum which is perfectly ok.

I am just really happy with the Vatican and The Sistine Chapel. I so wanted to go to these places.

Posted by
1427 posts

Statistically, you're unlikely to be a victim of crime in Barcelona, if you weigh up all the numbers of people who go there. The stuff about watch theft is another level of seriousness that is statistically even less likely.

My information is out of date, but I never had any problem with crime all the years I was out there practically every year. I was going to squat parties and such, and the Catalan folks there always made me welcome as a foreigner at their parties in Gracia and elsewhere.

I think taking the precautions suggested in this thread with money belts and he safest type of bag are worthwhile taking. I always knocked around town the same way I do at home and never had a problem. It's sad that the situation has become so bad. It's a great city and don't let the scare stories put anyone off. It probably won't happen, statistically speaking.

Posted by
21326 posts

Bostonphil, do keep in mind that only some are professional pick pockets. A lot are just grab, push, run thieves and some just strip your hotel room while you are out .... then there are the ones that jack up your dinner bill or bar bill (Stay sober).

But none of this happens to the majority of the tourists. I am guessing 1 in 20 get hit. So relax.

Posted by
7350 posts

. I am guessing 1 in 20 get hit

More like 1 in 100, I hope!

Posted by
21326 posts

I hope too. The best numbers I could find were 80,000 cases reported to the police last year. How many report when there is not going to be any recovery? Maybe 1 in 10? I bet that's too high a number, but at 1 in 10 there would be 800,000 thefts of 12 million tourists. Then I see comments like this:

Barcelona is the worst city in Europe for pickpockets/theft. I have
been there three times and every time, someone that I knew on the trip
(from a cruise or tour) was a victim.

How large were the groups? 20? 30? 50?

Okay, I'll guess the odds are 1 in 50 among tourists because the thieves work the tourist zones ... I assume.

I also assume with pretty basic precautions and a little care you can avoid being a victim.

The good side is it does help prevent over tourism because I suspect that I'm not the only one who would not enjoy a location where I would have to be so careful.

Posted by
4209 posts

If one is on the fence about Barcelona, I suggest Valencia instead. I was just there this summer and it's a wonderful antidote to the overcrowded Barcelona. Valencia is clean, relaxed, and the climate/beach is fairly comparable to Barcelona. There's great daytrips, architecture, and excellent food. The best part Valencia doesn't have the same violent crime or overtourism problems that Barcelona has.

Posted by
2436 posts

Mr E

I am an occassional drinker but get light headed easily because of that.

I have two hotels booked and will have to make a choice eventually but both seem to be very reputable.

As you know I live in Austin TX and as you may know, we have large music and film festivals

This brings in persons, mostly young, from all over the world but now it is bringing in criminals from all over the world to exploit the tourist and maybe the residents. And some of these criminals arrive in groups.

During these festivals, we often have a couple of visitors get abducted. We have many rapes. We have an unusual number of arsons and robberies. We have druggings and we have a few more homicides and assaults than usual. I do not know about pickpockets because the numbers are not reported in the press.

A couple of years back, we had a huge outdoor music festival. Afterwards the police had reason to bust a hotel room and were shocked to discover about 200 iPhones but no one had reported any missing iPhones to the police. The police hunted down the owners when possible. None of them had reported the theft to the police because either their organization paid for the trip or they were affluent. The stolen iPhones were shut off and a new one was purchased.

The persons arrested for the thefts and more were a group who had come in from another country solely for the purpose of attending the music festival to steal phones and more.

And another common scam is meeting someone new while hearing live music. The next day the victim wakes up in a hotel room with everything gone because he / she had been drugged.

Visitors are warned about strangers buying you a drink or spending time with you at a club. You are asked to watch your drinks carefully. Do not let any stranger buy you a drink. If you go to the bathroom, take your drink with you.

And watch your surroundings when leaving a club. You might be getting followed by someone who has been watching you all night in the club as a potential victim. You walk alone to your car and when the time is right, the criminal pulls a gun or knife on you and goodby belongings

So what happens in Barcelona actually happens anywhere anytime. It seems to me that it might help if Barcelona increased the penalties for petty theft and if they had .volunteer Barcelona advocates on the street assisting visitors. Perhaps these advocates could wear a bright jacket with words like Barcelona Advocate. Visitors could stop and ask questions. If it is late, perhaps they could walk the visitor to his or her hotel. The advocates could warn the visitor about the thieves, etc.

Posted by
21326 posts

It's hard to compare a week in Austin at S x SW to a lifestyle elsewhere. Remember, I am from San Antonio. The largest outdoor music festival (by some accounts, don't know if that's true) in Europe is here in August every year. You won't find me there either.

Posted by
2436 posts

So what is the largest music festival in Europe every August? And no I am not going.

I was not just talking about SXSW. I was also referring to the Austin City Limits Music Festival known as ACL and we also have a couple of film festivals not associated with SXSW other times of the year. There are also smaller festivals which are very popular and growing.

As someone who does not travel very much, the local press makes you think that the whole world is heading towards Austin during SXSW and ACL.

I was almost shocked when I began to travel and discovered that almost all cities, especially the bigger ones, have music scenes and film festivals. Even the smaller ones.

Just by being a homebody and not going anywhere , I had been misled by the powers that be in Austin and the local press that we were the only place in the world with a music festival and film festival

Of course I knew about Cannes and Nashville and Los Angeles, etc but I did not know that there are music and film festivals everywhere all over the globe.

One time I did an informal interview somewhere when I was traveling (not Europe) I was sitting on a wall and a lot of young people were around who were obviously music fans. I asked them if they had ever heard of SXSW and not one had.

I had been led to believe that SXSW was the cat's meow.

Posted by
1405 posts

We had been warned before our first time in Barcelona (a shore excursion from a cruise in May) and we were being extremely vigilant. But these pickpockets can be very quick. I was riding on a metro with 5 friends on our way to the Sagrada Familia. At a metro stop, three or four young girls entered the car. All of a sudden, I felt hands groping me and just before the doors closed, the girls jumped out of the car. It all happened so quickly that I did not even realize what was going on. The first thought that crossed my mind as the car was pulling away was being flattered that these young girls wanted to feel up a middle-aged guy like me. By the time I clued in, it would have been too late. Luckily, everything was in a crossover bag and I had a firm grip on it. They did not manage to steal anything from me.

We visited Spain again years later and spent five nights in Barcelona. There were no incidents, but this was in low season, November. Good luck .

Posted by
2436 posts

Hello funpig,

Girls, huh?

Yes, I have been watching youtube videos and reading some about the pickpockets.

Better safe than sorry. I plan to buy both a money belt and crossover bag before my trip. I plan on taking extra precautions.

But tourists are victimized almost everywhere.

Posted by
2612 posts

If you are pickpocketed, you will not know it until it is too late. As mentioned, pickpocketing is not the same as robbery or mugging. It is stealthy. It has happened to my mom on the metro in Paris when she let down her guard and didn’t zip her bag. It was a team of pickpockets on a packed metro and my husband happened to be several people behind my mom, saw the handoffs happen and the last guy get off the metro. My husband followed, yelled at him, the guy dropped the wallet and ran. And my husband scooped up the wallet and jumped back on the metro. In the span of about 5 seconds.

My husband and I were walking in Rome when a woman and several of her children were walking towards us on the sidewalk. They surrounded us as we walked by and one of the kids stopped, causing a diversion. My husband put his hand in his jacket pocket, only to find a little kid’s hand was already there, searching for treasure. All he found was a used tissue.

We were on a bus in Rome talking with a couple who were in distress after one of them had been pickpocketed and her passport was stolen. They were supposed to fly home the next day, but it was a holiday and there was no way to get the passport replaced in time. Talk about ruining a trip.

Our group was approached in Paris by a man wanting to sell us tickets to the Opera for cheap. My spidy-senses immediately went up and I turned around 180 degrees to see someone standing close behind us. He quickly moved along, but I’m guessing he was moving in to make a grab.

There are a million scams/diversion tactics out there that pickpockets use. Fake pigeon poop that someone offers to help clean up, groups of teens blocking the metro entrance causing people to bunch together while others pick pockets, people selling things, the list goes on and on.

I’d rather KNOW that my valuables are safe under my clothes than think I have to be hyper-vigilant all the time. I also know that I’m not smarter than people who do this for a living.

Posted by
2436 posts

hi travel4fun

interesting. Scary but interesting.

So what do you suggest that I do to best protect myself? What do you do when traveling?

A money belt but do you also use a crossover bag?

I am old and now use a cane because of an arthritic knee. All by itself my age with cane makes me look very vulnerable and maybe I am.

I would hate to lose anything but especially something like my passport or my driver's license or my credit cards and it goes on and on.

Is it mostly Americans who are targeted or are all tourists equally targeted? What about residents? Do they also become victims of pickpockets?

Posted by
2612 posts

First, don’t bring anything you don’t need. If you are not renting a car, you don’t need a drivers license, for example. Your passport is your ID. Leave anything that you don’t need, and would be a hassle to replace, at home: your Costco card, library card, etc. You really only need your passport, two credit cards (stored in different places), a debit card and your insurance card.

When I am moving from place to place, anything critical goes in my money belt: passport, the majority of my cash (I carry very little), my debit card and one backup credit card. I also carry a small crossbody bag. My daily credit card and a day’s worth of cash (40€) are in the cross body bag. This way, if I lose everything in my bag, it’s a bad day, but I still have a credit card and a way to get home (my passport).

Having done that, your worry can be set aside. Even if you look like the biggest target in the world, if you don’t have anything accessible to a pickpocket, what does it matter? They can have my used tissue for all I care!

Americans are certainly not the only targets. But tourists in general are targets. They typically are distracted, not aware of their surroundings, busy trying to get their bearings or figure out the metro system. Maybe more willing to strike up conversation (leading to distraction!). I’ve seen so many posts from people who plan to bring large amounts of cash with them, so obviously some (unwise) tourists still do that, so there must be a financial payoff for pickpockets.

Posted by
3142 posts

Interesting conversation... a bit madmax-like at times I must say... :)

Posted by
2436 posts

ok I am working on a. solution for the very serious pickpocketing situations in some places such as Barcelona.

How about when a pickpocket is picked up and known to have done the deed that that very person has to stand in a very heavily touristed area such as Las Ramblas wearing a dunce cap, very bright clothing and a sign around his / her neck saying "I am a pickpocket" in huge letters.

That might not solve the problem but it might cut back.

Posted by
94 posts

Can't believe it almost happened to me two days ago in Seville. It's a city I know so well. We were meandering outside Hotel Amadeus (where we stayed year's ago)

We were the only two people in this narrow street, there was no one in front, or behind us, then suddenly there was, against my back happily undoing my bag zip. All cash etc was in my bra wallet.

It happened so quickly. We are vigilant and sensed them behind us . We work on the theory they are cleverer than us and nowhere is safe.

Posted by
2436 posts


what time was it? was your bag in back or your front and did they get anything? was it. a back pack or a sling bag? what did you do i.e. yell at them or slap their hands?

I do not see these thieves as smarter than us, just maybe more cunning and maybe more desperate in some situations.

In some cases, pickpockets may prefer to steal than to get a real job like 8 to 5 in an office. I have read somewhere that criminals sometimes prefer to be criminals rather than go honest. They like the excitement.

Posted by
2436 posts

periscope and Mary

I have been warned and I believe everything i have been told about the pickpockets of Barcelona.

I plan to buy a secure money belt and a better more secure sling bag.I plan to photocopy my drivers license and passport.

I am going to be very cautious and very aware although I always am but perhaps even more so.

I have been watching videos pertaining to the pickpockets of Barcelona.

The pickpockets are more crafty, cunning and criminal than us tourists perhaps but I so not see them as smarter. We are just as smart because we are learning how to protect ourselves and caution others.

Everyone who slapped the hand of a pickpocket or caught them just in time is every bit as smart as the pickpocket. People are reporting such experiences to me.

But someone has to come up with a better deferent and that will not be me.

Posted by
94 posts

Smarter, cunning, they are one step ahead inventing ways to thwart us.

It was midday, I had my back pack on my back with no valuables in it. It happend so quickly, they ran when they they knew they'd been interupted. The language wasn't pretty.

It was my fault I Iet my guard down.

Posted by
11811 posts

The pickpocket we stopped as we boarded the Metro did not know who she had targeted! Years and years in NYC had trained us well!

Posted by
2436 posts

so that is what you do when you catch someone trying to steal from you? you scream, yell, and shout. Do you also push away the hands or slap the fingers.