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Seville Transit

I am looking for some less confusing information about the transit in Seville. Everything I've found is either old or just plain old confusing. Family of 5 adults going for 7 days. We can do a lot of walking, but sometimes its nice to be able to take a bus or tram. Has anyone had experience recently with this?

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4855 posts

I don't recall using the bus or tram--it is pretty compact--but if you google "Sevilla bus," the first half a dozen results give a comprehensive overview, including routes and pass info.
Also don't discount good ol Google maps--plug into one of your longer planned destinations from your accommodations and you should get results.

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52 posts

Thanks! I often rely heavily on the transit provided on Google Maps. But when I'm dealing with 5 adults, i try to figure out if its really any cheaper to use transit or a taxi (if we aren't walking) - especially for like going from the train station to the condo. Then if its a better deal/ more convenient to get a several day pass versus single use tickets, etc.

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4855 posts

Oh yeah, gotcha. I did use taxi in Sevilla and would have no qualms about doing so. I often just ask the cost as I get in, just so they know i am paying attention. There is probably a set fare for certain distances within the center--sites like this give the breakdown for typical rates:

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2577 posts

I found the taxis in Seville cheap and reliable. I'm talking about €5 - €8 to get across town. I used the app PIDETAXI to order a taxi whenever I was standing on the street. It tells you the taxi number, driver's name, and estimated arrival time (always a couple of minutes). From the train station there's an official taxi stand that we used.

If 5 adults can fit in a taxi, that I don't know. I think I recall some at the taxi stand at the station were bigger, like a van or something.

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71 posts

How mobile are the adults? Where will you be staying in Seville? Our Airbnb was in the middle of the SantaCruz neighborhood, upstairs from the Pasteis de Nata bakery. We were very close to the Alcazar and Catedral. We were able to walk everywhere and only took the bus to get to Seville (from Tarifa) and the aero port especial bus to get to the airport at the end of our Seville trip. We walked down to the Plaza de Espana and also up to the old tile factory district. If no mobility issues not sure if one needs to take a taxi or bus.

Also be very patient with Google Maps and Apple Maps—the older parts of Spain are not mapped out as extensively or as accurately as North America. This is especially true looking for grocery stores in a predominately residential area.