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Seville to Gibralter, then flying from there to Scotland

We finish a RS Tour of Spain in Seville Thursday night, at the end of April. Rick advises that Gibr. is pretty dead after Sat. Noon, so we need to hurry down Friday am, by train or bus, spend Fri. night somewhere, and fly out of Gibr. Sat. pm. Rick says it is better to stay at La Linea, than in Gibr., but won't that mean going across the border twice? And what do we do with our suitcases until we fly out Sat. pm? Are we planning to spend too much time in Gibr? Should we stay in Tarifa, or some place, Friday night, waiting until Saturday am for Gibr., and then arrange to have Emily's Ole South guide meet us, store our luggage somewhere, and guide us around efficiently? I just read the account of spending 5 hrs. to get to the top of the rock because a cruise ship was in!

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993 posts

We are visiting Gibraltar in March because my 13 year old son really wants to go... we have a very small time in Spain, but to make it work, I had to give it 2 nights and 1.5 days. After getting over having to give up Ronda for it, I am now pretty excited about Gibraltar.

I was worried about the cruise ships also, but luckily none are there on our dates. You can check here and see if you can expect cruise ships crowds for your visit.

Have fun!

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18 posts

Thank you, Kim. I just checked, and one is due in at 1pm Friday, so we will either get there early, or wait until Saturday to visit. I didn't know about this resource. Very helpful.

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16893 posts

Although Rick describes it as chaotic, I would not worry about walking through the border crossing more than once, if you stay on the Spanish side. You can store your bags at your hotel or at the airport (see pages 824-5), whichever is more convenient.