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Seville hotel cost surprise

We're planning to stay in Seville May 17-20. The hotels costs I find on the hotel websites are 30-50% more than what is indicated in the latest RS travel guide. Is that to be expected in all of Spain too?

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7024 posts

Is that 30-50% higher or lower? Figure the guide, even if it’s a 2022 one, was written a while ago so the prices would be from a year or two ago. A guide is a guide and nothing more. Even when looking at current rates there are many factors involved, location, date, type room, number of beds, guests, breakfast or no breakfast, refundable or non refundable, etc. There’s no way a guide can account for all factors. We use guides to get ideas for possible places to stay knowing the prices won’t be accurate. We also use other sources, e.g. TripAdvisor, Expedia, or Booking, for additional ideas.

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1070 posts

There's a few concerts, an international dermatology conference, and a home game for Sevilla FC in the La Liga that weekend in Seville. Might have an influence on Seville hotel prices.

I have just finished booking all my hotels for our March/April trip to Spain and the prices don't seem particularly higher than we expected. We have take into consideration that most places have had high inflation due to the onflow effects of the war in Ukraine.

I have been able to easily keep to our average AUD $300- per night budget - equates to US$200- per night. We are staying in a mix of 4 star hotels and apartments. I am over our budget in Madrid, Cordoba and Barcelona, but under budget everywhere else. Cordoba is because of a special birthday splurge hotel.