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Seville Cathedral and Royal Palace Same Day?

Would you recommend separating these two into different days or getting them done in the same day? We have several days in Seville and trying to make a rough plan. Thanks!

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6287 posts

If you have advance tickets for both, it's doable. I think we spent at least 3.5 hours in the Alcazar and probably 3 in the cathedral.

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7049 posts

“getting them done in the same day”

Makes it sound like a chore more than places you really want to see. There’s no reason you couldn’t visit them on the same day. If it was my trip with multiple days in the city, I’d visit them on separate days.

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12 posts

It's certainly possible to visit both in a day; my choice was to visit them on separate days. I like to linger in such places, take my time, not check my watch constantly. I had no problem with seeing one major site and sometimes a secondary site per day. Or if not another site, just wander around the historic center, find an interesting-looking café or bar for refreshments and tapas, etc.

If you're staying anywhere around the Casco Antiguo, the distances are not great and walking to the same area on different days won't be difficult. It's fun to take different streets even if you're going to almost the same destination. You won't get lost -- wherever you are, just head toward La Giralda.

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1157 posts

Like others have mentioned, they are right next to each other so it was very easy to do both on the same day. We actually took a 4 hr walking tour that took us to both. We had time to walk up the Giralda during the tour the and explore the palace/Alacazar on our own once the tour was done.