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San Sebastian to Bilbao

Need to get from central San Sebastian to the Bilbao Airport. What are my options - dependability, price.


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The company Lurraldebus runs buses between San Sebastian (Donostia in Basque) and Bilbao.

Schedule for Line DO50B to the airport -- frequent; travel time not shown.

Schedule for Line DO01 to the city of Bilbao via Zarautz -- frequent and fast (1 hr. 15 min.). Schedule varies by day of week.

Schedule for Line DO03 to the city of Bilbao via Zumarraga -- Infrequent and slow (2 hr. 45 min.). Schedule varies by day of week.

I can't figure out the tariff information on the Lurraldebus website. Once you arrive in San Sebastian (Donostia) you should be able to verify the schedule, determine how long the trip to the airport takes, and figure out the fare. I'm sure it will be far cheaper than a taxi or other private transportation; the distance is over 60 miles one way. Train service between SS/Donostia and Bilbao is extremely slow and will not be a good option for you.

I would expect the airport bus to be reliable, but I advise consulting your hotel and the local tourist office. I always take an earlier bus than the schedule indicates I need, to build in a buffer.