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Renfe tickets on website now available for purchase after June 13

Finally! After weeks of checking to buy a train ticket for June 19 (well within the normal 62 day window) train tickets are available. I know that others on this forum were also concerned. I am eager to see if Paypal is a better option for purchase. Last time I bought tickets, I felt like I had to jump through a lot of hoops including calling the credit card and using a different browser other than Chrome.

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46 posts

I saw this too...finally. I, however, was unable to purchase - I tried PayPal, I tried my card directly, and finally I saw where creating a user account would help...all to no avail - but I was able to purchase through, which is a site I saw someone else on here post about. I am waiting for my e-tickets, which petrabox says will be here in about 24 hours.

I assume these will be like any other e-ticket; that is, print and show once at the station??

If anyone that has used petrabox can offer guidance, I would appreciate it.


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55 posts

I would love to hear about the experiences with other websites. I booked directly through RENFE, but I had to use Mozilla Firefox. I also called my credit card prior to booking. Thankfully, there were no issues this time around. In the past, it has been nearly impossible.

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16894 posts

Trying a different web browser may be the answer to some problems. In general, I would expect the PayPal option to work more smoothly through Renfe than the credit card. Petrabax has been issuing Spanish tickets for years and their e-ticket should work like others, particularly if they used the phrase print at home, rather than pick up in station.

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15 posts

I was waiting for June 24th to open... I bought my train ticket directly through RENFE. I was waiting or expecting my credit card to decline or to not going through since I heard American credit cards usually doesn't work or a PayPal account had to be created. I might have been lucky because I didn't have any problems purchasing my train tickets using my BOA bank card.