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Renfe dis-counted train pass

This morning I recieved an email from RENFE advocating their international train pass. Below is taken from their web-site:

Is a pass that allows non-residents in Spain. Is strictly personal, non-transferable. Need Passport.
Customers can choosePasses of 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12 journeys, to be used within 1 month. Two modalities: Business/Club or Tourist.
"It is valid for all AVE Long Distance and Medium Distance trains (excluding couchettes). You choose the number of journeys you wish to make.
This pass is active for 6 months as from the date of issue and is valid for 1 month as from the date on which it is first validated for a journey.
A cancellation fee applies 24 hours after your purchase. No refund after the first journey.
To travel you must reserve a seat.
You must always carry on your Renfe Spain Pass and reservation. It can always be printed as needed.
Free Commuter Travel in pre-and post-trip 3 hours."

This may, or may not, be of interest/value to your travel needs in Spain, but I enjoy travel via RENFE and wanted the opportunity to come to your attention.

Note: I am unsure if I am bordering on infringing any forum rules for advertising (not my intent), but provide the info as I have noticed a number of first time travelers to Spain seem to unaware to the benefits of train travel. So i hope this info saves folks money and helps educate them on a great way to travel in Spain.

Go to the RENFE web site, select "passengers" and then "international travel" to learn more.

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984 posts

These passes have been in existence for perhaps a year or more now.

'This may, or may not, be of interest/value to your travel needs in Spain' - Yes, if your money matters, you should make a cost comparison against point to point purchase, most especially if you have a fixed itinerary and can purchase well ahead for discounted tickets.

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9369 posts

I got the same thing. But if I made, say, four of the trips I took this past August, they would have cost 156 euro because I bought them in advance. Since the pass starts at 163 it isn't a cost saving in my case. It also doesn't say whether there is a cost for the reservations that you must have for each trip.

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984 posts

Value or not, there is no additional reservation cost on these passes.