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Recommended train route from Seville to Valencia

On Saturday, 15 October, my husband and I will travel from Seville to Valencia. At this point we've a choice of two trains/routes--the first is the inexpensive TALGO which passes through (and stops at) Cordoba, Andujar, Espeluy, Linares-Baeza, Vilches, Valdepenas, Mansanares, Alcazar de San Juan, Socuellamos, Villarrobledo, Albacete-Los Llanos, and Xativa before reaching Valencia on a 7 1/2 hour long trip. The other option is a slightly more expensive two part AVE/LD train with a non-stop train to Madrid, a transfer there at the station, and a second leg with stops at Cuenca and Requena before arriving at Valencia that takes 5 1/2 hours. My question is, if time and money aren't a consideration (2 hours and less than $25), which route is the more scenic choice and might give us better views of Spain? What can we expect to see on either route? Thanks for your suggestions.

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Krisbkok -

I recommend taking the AVE route on this trip and buying your tickets so that you can break your trip for a couple of hours and stop in Cuenca. I spent two nights there last Fall and thoroughly enjoyed it, but you can limit your visit to a couple of hours by taking a taxi from the Cuenca train station to Plaza Mayor and walking from there the short distance over to view the famous Casas Colgadas (Hanging Houses). The best views are from the St. Peter's Bridge nearby. After viewing the houses if you are not staying in Cuenca for the night, you can take a taxi back to the station and continue your AVE journey to Valencia - one of my favorite cities in Spain.