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Quick & Dumb Question - please confirm my understanding (Catalan Art Museum - Barcelona)

I'm looking for things to do on Sant Joan Holiday (June 24th, a Monday) in Barcelona and I understand many things will be closed. I already have the Civil War Walking Tour scheduled for the morning and thought we could go to Montjuic in the afternoon and visit the Catalan Art Museum. (My original plan was shopping, but with the holiday, not feasible)

I checked the Museum website for hours and it says:

Museum opening hours

Winter opening times: October to April, Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 6pm; Sundays and public holidays, 10am to 3pm.

Summer opening times: May to September, Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 8pm; Sundays and public holidays, 10am to 3pm.

Mondays closed, except public holidays.

Annual closing: January 1st, May 1st and December 25th.

Since it's closed on Mondays, except on public holidays, I believe it will be open. Is that how you read it?

I know its a dumb question but since I'm finalizing the itinerary and don't want to make an ass (out of) u (and) me!

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6713 posts

Two logical pathways have led to the same conclusion -- it will be open! Probably prudent to get a ticket ahead of time in case it's crowded on that holiday. I really liked the Romanesque reconstructions from the Basque country. And there's a cafe and a great view from the front entrance. You can walk down the steps and join the crowds enjoying the fountains.

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388 posts

I love this forum so much! Many more heads are better than one!!


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3061 posts

... for general info: on public holidays -such as St Joan or Xmas for example- what you'll find closed are businesses (offices, factories) and most shops. But museums, most restaurants and anything related to entertainment (cinemas, parks, fairs, etc.), which in fact, are the type of sites most tourists are interested in, are open. The reason being, of course, because we locals are consumers too :)

Furthermore, on certain Sundays and/or public holidays, in Barcelona one can also find mall centres open, which translates into that the shops there will also be open for business.

Posted by
388 posts

Enric, thanks for the additional insight on malls!