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Question about online tickets for Sevilla's Cathedral/audio guides

Just back from Andalucia (woke up at 3 AM Eastern US time), and will certainly be writing a trip report when I come up for air. But do have a question about our Sevilla Cathedral experience to see what I did wrong.

I decided to buy tickets online before we left, and once I saw the crowds waiting to buy tickets, I was proud of myself. We went quickly through the entrance for groups/online ticket purchasers at our time slot. When we got to a counter, we asked about renting the audio guides, and she and the guard both said and pointed 'inside'. We walked around the church at least twice and the only thing we could figure out was that the people who bought tickets at the ticket station on the other side were able to get the audio guides there, but we couldn't get out to that spot in order to rent them! I can't believe I'm the only one to make this mistake or not be able to figure out what to do, so thought I'd post so it might help another person if someone here knows the answer!

On the flip side, I did have my Sevilla RS's guidebook pages, so had his self-walk tour and that was good enough for us.

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